A VT100 compatible terminal, running on Rails.
RVT has been tested on the following rubies.
- MRI Ruby 2.2
- MRI Ruby 2.1
- MRI Ruby 2.0
- MRI Ruby 1.9.3
Rubunius in 1.9 mode may work, but it hasn't been tested.
RVT has been built explicitly for Rails 4.
To install it in your current application, add the following to your Gemfile
group :development do
gem 'rvt'
After you save the Gemfile
changes, make sure to run bundle install
restart your server for the RVT to take affect.
By default, it should be available in your development environment under
. The route is not automatically mounted in a production environment
and we strongly encourage you to keep it that way.
Today we have learned in the agony of war that great power involves great responsibility.
-- Franklin D. Roosevelt
RVT is a powerful tool. It allows you to execute arbitrary code on the server, so you should be very careful, who you give access to it.
By default, only requests coming from
are allowed.
lets you control which IP's have access to
the console.
Let's say you want to share your console with just that one roommate, you like
and his/her IP is
class Application < Rails::Application
config.rvt.whitelisted_ips = %w( )
From the example, you can guess that config.rvt.whitelisted_ips
accepts an array of ip addresses, provided as strings. An important thing to
note here is that, we won't push
if you manually set the option!
Now let's assume you like all of your roommates. Instead of enumerating their IP's, you can whitelist the whole private network. Now every time their IP's change, you'll have them covered.
class Application < Rails::Application
config.rvt.whitelisted_ips = ''
You can see that config.rvt.whitelisted_ips
accepts plains strings
too. More than that, they can cover whole networks.
Again, note that this network doesn't allow
. If you want to access
the console, you have to do so from it's external IP or add
to the
Finally, if you want to access to console from everywhere (or you have to filter
traffic on another level) just set blank value in config.rvt.whitelisted_ips
By default, the console will be automatically mounted on /console
(This happens only in the development and test environments!).
Say you want to mount the console to /debug
, so you can more easily remember
where to go, when your application needs debugging.
class Application < Rails::Application
config.rvt.default_mount_path = '/debug'
If you want to explicitly mount RVT::Engine
, you can prevent the
automatic mount by setting this option to false
By default, RVT will run Rails.root.join('bin/rails console)
spawn you a fresh Rails console. If the relative bin/rails
does not exist, it
doesn't exist, rails console
will be run.
One of the advantages of being a VT100 emulator is that RVT can run most of your terminal applications.
Let say (for some reason) you can't run SSH on your server machine. You can
run login
instead to let users sign into the host system.
class Application < Rails::Application
# You have to run /bin/login as root. That should worry you and you may work
# around it by running ssh connecting to the same machine.
config.rvt.command = 'sudo /bin/login'
If you ever decide to use RVT that way, use SSL to encrypt the traffic, otherwise all the input (including the negotiated username and password) can be easily sniffed!
By default, RVT terminate kill a running console after 5 minutes. If you want to change this behaviour set integer value in seconds. If you want to not kill any process - set empty value.
By default, the RVT terminal will report itself as xterm-color
. You
can override this option to change that.
You may have noticed that RVT client sends a lot of requests to the server. And by a lot, we really mean, a lot (every few milliseconds). We do this since we can't reliably predict when the output of your command execution will come available, so we poll for it.
This option control how much will the server wait on the process output pipe for input, before signalling the client to try again.
Maybe some day Web Sockets or SSE can be used for more efficient communication. Until that day, you can use long-polling. To enable it, use Puma as your development server and add the following to your configuration.
class Application < Rails::Application
# You have to explicitly enable the concurrency, as in development mode,
# the falsy config.cache_classes implies no concurrency support.
# The concurrency is enabled by removing the Rack::Lock middleware, which
# wraps each request in a mutex, effectively making the request handling
# synchronous.
config.allow_concurrency = true
# For long-polling, 45 seconds timeout for the development server seems
# reasonable. You may want to experiment with the value.
config.rvt.timeout = 45.seconds
By default there is no authentication in RVT. If you want slightly increase the security and add basic authentication just set any value into these configs.
But remember, this is not protect you from anything strong. Mostly, this is about a separation of the privileges within private networks or about something similar.
If you would like to style the terminal a bit different than the default appearance, you can do so with the following options.
You may also change the font, which is following the CSS font property syntax.
By default it is large DejaVu Sans Mono, Liberation Mono, monospace
TL;DR Give it a bit of time, it will load.
While spawning processes is relatively cheap on MRI, this is not the case in JRuby. Spawning another process is slow. Spawning another JRuby process is even slower. Read more about the problem at the JRuby wiki.