Model Data Collector Dev Box


1. Pull images

    az acr login -n vmagentacr
    docker pull
    docker pull
    docker pull envoyproxy/envoy:v1.16.1

2. Download cert for XDS

    az keyvault secret download --name cert-mirtest-v2-test-endpt-20201117173353-1ef841f5-52d7-4b45-bb1f-c080c67d6fe5 --vault-name infer-dep-usw2dev --file xds/server_cert.pem

3. Setup Auth for eventhub

Please create a .env file with following content:
    eventhubConnStr=Endpoint={connect string to eventhub instance}  
    blobName=<storage account name>
    blobKey=<stroage account key >
Note: The connection string of EventHub Instance `EntityPath`  (not the eventhub namespace str)

4. Using your own model

open docker-compose.yaml, replace the model part to use your own model

    image: mendhak/http-https-echo:23
        - HTTP_PORT=5001
        - "5001:5001"

5. Test it

boot up the stack

    docker-compose up -d

Access your model server at port 10001(envoy)

    curl -X PUT http://localhost:10001/score      

You should see logs of mdc like following

docker logs -f mdc_local_mdc_1

{"level":"[INFO]","ts":"Jan  25 09:58:25","logger":"VMAgent.MDC","caller":"eventhub/eventhub_sink.go:27","msg":"sending an events batch","length":1}