
🚀 🦆 An intergalactic space theme for colorls.

MIT LicenseMIT

Spaceduck for colorls

A spaceduck theme for colorls.


(note: ls has been aliased to colorls --sd --dark above)


First, get the source code via one of the download methods, then proceed to activating.

Getting Theme

Download using Git

If you are a git user, you can install the theme and keep up to date by cloning the repo:

git clone git@github.com:bigpick/spaceduck-colorls.git

Download manually

Download using the GitHub .zip download option and unzip them.

Activating theme

  1. First you need to have installed colorls. Ensure you are running the latest release of colorls, as support for hex string values were added as of the 1.4.2 release

  2. (Optionally) Make a backup of your current dark colorscheme:

    cp ~/.config/colorls/dark_colors.yaml ~/.config/colorls/dark_colors.yaml.backup
  3. Copy the dark_colors.yaml file to the dark color scheme location for colorls:

    cp dark_colors.yaml ~/.config/colorls/dark_colors.yaml
  4. Use the --dark option when utilizing colorls:

    colorls --dark
    # Additionally: alias ls="colorls --dark"
    # or, perhaps more sanely: alias cls="colorls --dark"


Some examples of a select set of colorls options (see the colorls repo for full optional flags).

File Sizes

Notice the sizing coloration based on small/medium/large size in the 5th column.




Git Status (addition, modified, deleted, unchanged, untracked)

Shown: unchanged (green), modified (yellow), untracked (orange); Not-shown: addition (cyan), deletion (red)



This theme is maintained by the following person(s) in addition to being helped by a bunch of awesome contributors.



MIT License