
Advanced Martial Arts

This mod adds advanced armor/weapon training, slayer-class and the animal ally feat line

Advanced Armor Training and Advanced Weapon Training were added as feats as well as addes as alternate options when leveling up armor training and selecting a new weapon training.

Advanced Armor training:

Armored Confidence
Armored Juggernaut
Adaptable Training
Armor Specialization
Steel Headbutt

Advanded Weapon training:

Focused Weapon
Armed Bravery
Combat Maneuver Defense
Dazzling Intimidation (Dazzling Display already was a standart action -> reduced to move action)
Defensive Weapon Training
Effortless Dual-Wielding
Versatile Training
Fighter’s Finesse
Fighter’s Reflexes
Trained Grace
Fighter’s Tactics
Warrior Spirit

Some Fighter weapon groups were missing and were added:



Slayer (no archetypes since i found none that would fit into the game)

- Studied target only works on enemies - Other changes to fit the class into a PC game


Nature Soul
Animal Ally (Selection is the same as for the class feature)

Special thanks @Elmindra for the mod Eldritch Arcana which was used as a basis for this mod