- 3
Can't import decks
#79 opened by LorduFreeman - 0
Player can't draw/play card
#91 opened by Kirin92 - 0
Scene zoom out when I place cards on scene
#90 opened by DanielRonnstam - 0
- 0
Feature request : Import from compendium.
#88 opened by ChrisCB65 - 1
- 4
SDF fails to import every time
#51 opened by sharkbruhaha - 2
- 3
- 0
- 3
- 7
deck cards for multiple scenes
#82 opened by heliobolseiro - 2
Players cant move cards tiles into escenes
#67 opened by cnutenor - 4
Discard entire hand returns "Uncaught Error: TypeError: game.decks.getByCard(...).discardCard is not a function"
#81 opened by Cynicaltaxiderm - 2
- 1
[BUG 0.8.x] Can't Draw Card
#78 opened by brunocalado - 0
Layout Cards on Draw to Table
#77 opened by sigil-johnstevens - 1
TORG Eternity Card feedback
#75 opened by Norc - 1
0.8.x Compat - Default deck does not import
#72 opened by Norc - 0
0.8.x Compat - Cannot import decks
#73 opened by Norc - 0
#70 opened by Boifuba - 0
- 0
- 0
Can't drag out decks
#64 opened by EikePeace - 2
Unable to draw cards as a player
#56 opened by tmtabor - 0
- 1
Add option to disable sample/default deck
#44 opened by Legendsmith - 0
- 0
BUG?: Card names are now "Card"
#61 opened by Norc - 2
Currently non-reproducible: Card Support largely non-functional in worlds created in 0.7.x and higher
#49 opened by Norc - 0
Fisher Yates implementation is wrong
#60 opened by spacemandev-git - 0
- 0
- 0
BUG: Seemingly any action by other players/gm will make people's hand pop back up.
#54 opened by sharkbruhaha - 1
- 1
Players can't interact with decks in 0.7.5
#53 opened by Norc - 2
- 1
- 0
Make the SDF "back" option a global setting for the deck.yaml file, and add "top" as one as well
#52 opened by sharkbruhaha - 0
Face Down configuration logic issue
#50 opened by kristianserrano - 0
Reusing a deck
#46 opened by Freewolf2000 - 0
No deck image results in error-less failure
#43 opened by Legendsmith - 3
Feature Request: Card Rotation / Reversal
#41 opened by sdsalyer - 0
- 0
- 0
- 1
- 1
Unable to drag deck onto the scene any more
#37 opened by fellowhoodlum - 0
- 0
snitch setting in module settings does not seem to apply when players draw cards from the decks
#34 opened by masterbouh