Power Admin Battlefield 4 for Big Brother Bot
This plugin brings Battlefield 4 specific features to Bigbrotherbot.
- requires B3 v1.10 or later
copy poweradminbf4.py into b3/extplugins
copy the files from the conf folder into the folder that contains your main b3.xml config file
add to the plugins section of your main b3 config file:
<plugin name="poweradminbf4" config="@conf/plugin_poweradminbf4.ini" />
- !roundnext
- Switch to next round, without ending current
- !roundrestart
- Restart current round
- !kill <player> [reason]
- Kill a player without scoring effects
- !changeteam <player>
- move <player> to the other team
- !swap <player A> [<player B>]
- swap player A's team/squad with player B's team/squad
- !setnextmap <map> [, <gamemode> [, <rounds>]]
select the next map to load after current round. If the map is not in the current map rotation list, then it is added. When no gamemode or no rounds is specified, then uses the current values. Parameters MUST be separated by a comma ','.
- Usage example :
- !setnextmap firestorm, conquest, 2
- !setnextmap bazaar, rush, 1
- !punkbuster <punkbuster command>
- run a punkbuster command
- !loadconfig <config file>
- load a config file to change server vars, map list, game modes
- !listconfig
- list available config files
- !scramble
- (un)request scrambler to scramble teams at next round
- !scramblemode <random/score>
- set the scrambling strategy
- !autoscramble <off/round/map>
- set the auto-scrambling mode
- !unlockmode <all|common|stats|none>
- set the weapons unlocks
- !vehicles <on|off>
- (en|dis)able vehicles spawn
- !autobalance <off|on>
- (de)activate the autobalancer
- !autoassign <off|on>
- (de)activate the autoassigner which puts connecting player into the right team
- !endround <winning team id>
- end current round and set winning team
- !idle <off|on|min>
- set the idle kicker off/on or to the number of minute you wish
- !serverreboot
- restart the BF4 gameserver
- !yell <msg>
- yell a message to all players
- !yellplayer <player name> <msg>
- yell a message to a given player
- !yellteam <msg>
- yell a message to your teammates
- !yellsquad <msg>
- yell a message to your squadmates
- !nuke <all|us|ru>
- kill all players or players from a given team
- !viplist [filter]
- display VIP names If filter is provided then only display names matching that filter. Will display first connected VIPs and then at most the 1st 15 VIP names from the list.
- !vips
- display the currently connected VIPs
- !vipadd <player>
- add player to the VIP list If the player you want to add is connected, then you don't have to enter its full name as a parameter.
- !vipremove <player>
- remove player from the VIP list If the player you want to add is connected, then you don't have to enter its full name as a parameter. Note that you won't be able to remove admins of higher level that you are.
- !vipclear
- clear the VIP list
- !vipsave
- write the VIP list to the disk
- !vipload
- load the VIP list from the disk
Other features
Configmanager can automatically load server config scripts at each map change based on current gamemode and/or map. It will first look if a b3_<gametype>_<mapname>.cfg exists (example: b3_teamdeathmatch0_mp001.cfg) and execute it. If it doesn't exist, it checks for b3_<gametype>.cfg (example: b3_rushlarge0.cfg).
If none of them exist, it will look for b3_main.cfg. This file makes it possible to reset certain vars, so always create a b3_main.cfg if you want to enable and use this feature.
Example Scenario
You are running a server with mixed gametypes of Conquest and Rush and you want to play Rush maps without vehicles. What you need to do is to create a file called "b3_rushlarge0.cfg" inside your configmanager folder with required settings. "vars.vehicleSpawnAllowed false" in this case. Also make sure you add "vars.vehicleSpawnAllowed True" in your b3_main.cfg so that when a conquest map comes in rotation vehicles are enabled again.
Please take note that config manager plugin supports only instantaneous server vars.
Support is only provided on www.bigbrotherbot.net forums on the following topic : http://forum.bigbrotherbot.net/releases/poweradminbf4/
- 0.1
- non-working version - code copied over from the poweradminbf3 plugin
This plugin is a fork of the poweradmin for BF3 plugin. Credits go out to the developers of that.
- Contributors to this plugin:
- maikelwever
- courgette
- features can be discussed on the B3 forums
- documented and reproducible bugs can be reported on the issue tracker
- patches are welcome. Send me a pull request. It is best if your patch provides tests.