
Plugin with extended features for BFBC2

Primary LanguagePython

# PowerAdminbfbc2
# Plugin for B3 (www.bigbrotherbot.com)
# (c) 2010 www.xlr8or.com (mailto:xlr8or@xlr8or.com)
# This program is free software and licensed under the terms of
# the GNU General Public License (GPL), version 2.
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html

PowerAdminbfbc2 (v0.1.4) for B3

This plugin works for R9+ and b3 1.3+ only! This plugin adds powerfull commands 
and functions to your b3:

Added Commands:
!payell (!yell) - display a bigtext message center screen

!pamaprestart (!maprestart) - restart current map
!pamapreload (!mapreload) - reload current map
!paset - set a server cvar
!paget - display a server cvar
!pamaplist <maplist.txt> - execute a server maplist
!pateams (!teams) - activate teambalancer (read below)

!pakill (!kill) - kill a player
!pachangeteam (!ct) - force a player to a team 

!paident (!id) <name/id> - prints a players B3-id and Guid to screen for demo purposes
!paversion (!paver) - spits out the version of PowerAdminbfbc2

Each command (except !paversion) can be leveled in the config file.


- BFBC2 Server R9 or higher
- B3 version 1.3.0 or higher

Installation of the B3 plugin:

To install the b3-plugin part:

1. Unzip the contents of this package. Go to the unzipped folder extplugins and
place the .py file in the bots folder b3/extplugins and the config file .xml in
the b3/extplugins/conf folder.

2. Open the .xml file with your favorit editor and modify the
levels if you want them different. Do not edit the command-names
for they will not function under a different name.

3. Open your B3.xml file (in b3/conf) and add the next line in the
<plugins> section of the file:

<plugin name="poweradminbfbc2" priority="13" config="@b3/extplugins/conf/poweradminbfbc2.xml"/>

The numer 13 in this just an example. Make sure it fits your
plugin list.

v0.1.2       : Initial "public" beta release for testing
v0.1.3		 : New commands possible due to R9 protocol
v0.1.4		 : Cleaned up and bugfix 

SpacepiG - 9 April 2010 - www.bigbrotherbot.com // www.xlr8or.com