
Tagma Buffer Manager for Vim

Primary LanguageVim Script

*TagmaBufMgr.txt* Buffer Manager
                             For Vim version 7.x.
                  Last Changed: Fri Feb 03 12:39 PM 2012 EST
                        By Lorance Stinson AT Gmail...

Contents:					*tagmabufmgr* *TagmaBufMgr*
	Description				|tagmabufmgr-description|
	Installation				|tagmabufmgr-installation|
	Features				|tagmabufmgr-features|
	Commands				|tagmabufmgr-commands|
	Usage					|tagmabufmgr-usage|
	Key Mappings				|tagmabufmgr-mappings|
	Settings				|tagmabufmgr-settings|

DESCRIPTION					*tagmabufmgr-description*

Simple Buffer Manager similar to Mini Buffer Explorer and others. The
interface and code is kept as simple as possible. Several ideas are borrowed
from Mini Buffer Explorer but all code is original.

INSTALLATION					*tagmabufmgr-installation*

Copy the files to your ~/.vim or ~/vimfiles directory.
If using a package manager like pathogen place the whole directory in the
bundle directory.

FEATURES					*tagmabufmgr-features*

Smaller code base and as little code run on updates as possible. For example
the modification check that is performed after the |CursorHold| interval tries
to bail out as fast as possible if there is no change to the modification

As much information as possible is cached for each buffer. This allows some
updates to perform very few actions. Unfortunately there are rare cases where
this causes stale data to display in the Buffer Window. Using the Manager
Refresh or switching to the Manager Window clears this data.

Addition to the Right-Click PopUp menu. Menu items are added to toggle the
Manager Window, Refresh the Manager Window and switch to each buffer.

Tool tips for the buffers listed in the Manager Window.
The Tool Tips display the following lines:
	* Buffer name and number. Also flags the current buffer.
	* Full file name, truncated with '~' for home where possible.
	* The file type and format.
	* Indicates if the buffer is Modified or Read-only

Preserves the window history. This allows the command <C-W>p to work as

Prevents files from being opened in the Buffer Manager Window. All Edit,
Buffer and Write commands are redirected to the previous window.

COMMANDS					*tagmabufmgr-commands*

Commands for controlling the Buffer Manager from the command line.

:MgrOpen					*MgrOpen*
	Open the Buffer Manager Window.

:MgrClose					*MgrClose*
	Close the Buffer Manager window.

:MgrToggle					*MgrToggle*
	Toggle the Buffer Manager Window open or closed.

:MgrUpdate					*MgrUpdate*
	Update the Buffer Manager Window. If the cache has invalid information
	and thus displaying something incorrectly this will flush the cache
	and rebuild it. This is also performed when switching into the Buffer
	Manager Window.

:MgrPopUp					*MgrPopUp*
	Display the Buffer SwitchTo PopUp. This is a sub-section of the
	Right-Click PopUp menu.

USAGE						*tagmabufmgr-usage*

Double clicking on a buffer listed in the Buffer Manager Window will switch to
that buffer. Control double clicking performs a ':split' to open the buffer.
Shift double clicking performs a ':vsplit' to open the buffer. Any time a
buffer is switched to it is done in the previous window if the buffer manager
was selected to perform the switch.

The following keys are remapped in the Manager Buffer to make navigation
easier. These mappings apply only within the Buffer Manager.
	<Tab>   l w	Move to the next buffer in the list.
	<S-Tab> h b	Move to the previous buffer in the list.
	D d		Delete the buffer under the cursor.
	<Cr>	O o	Switch to the buffer under the cursor.
	S s		Split then switch to the buffer under the cursor.
	V v		VSplit then switch to the buffer under the cursor.
	P p		Return to the previous window.
	C c		Close the Buffer Manager Window.
	R r		Refresh the Buffer Manager Window.
	? H		Display help text for the Manager.
			Cleared when the Manager is left or updated.

The Buffer Manager Window has a custom Right-Click PopUp Menu. This menu is
different than the PopUp menu addition mentioned in |tagmabufmgr-features|.
Right clicking on a buffer in the list presents options to control the Buffer
Manager, switch to the buffer in a variety of ways and to delete a buffer.
Note:	The custom PopUp menu only appears if the Buffer Manager Window is
	selected before performing the Right-Click.

Each buffer in the Buffer Manager List can have several flags that indicate
the status or type of the buffer. For example here are all possible flags: >
The meaning of each flag is:
	+ = The buffer has been modified.
	? = The buffer is a |help| buffer.
	$ = The Buffer is a |quickfix| or |location-list| buffer.
	& = The buffer is not loaded, not displayed in a window.

Each flag also gets a distinct color.
	*Comment	normal buffers
	*Identifier	the currently active buffer, flag !
	*String		modified buffer, flag +
	*Error		active buffer that is also modified, flags +!
	*Type		help buffer, flag ?
	*Special	quickfix or location list buffer, flag $
	*Statement	unloaded or not displayed buffer, flag &

MAPPINGS					*tagmabufmgr-mappings*

The above commands are mapped to global key mappings.
See |tagmabufmgr-settings| for information on controlling the key mappings.
To use custom mappings simply configure the mapping in your |vimrc| file.

Note:	The |Leader| key is normally set to "\".

<Leader>tbo					<Plug>OpenMgr
	Open the Buffer Manager Window. >
		map <silent> <Leader>tbo <Plug>OpenMgr

<Leader>tbc					<Plug>CloseMgr
	Close the Buffer Manager window. >
		map <silent> <Leader>tbc <Plug>CloseMgr

<Leader>tbt					<Plug>ToggleMgr
	Toggle the Buffer Manager Window open or closed. >
		map <silent> <Leader>tbt <Plug>ToggleMgr

<Leader>tbu					<Plug>UpdateMgr
	Update the Buffer Manager Window. If the cache has invalid information
	and thus displaying something incorrectly this will flush the cache
	and rebuild it. This is also performed when switching into the Buffer
	Manager Window. >
		map <silent> <Leader>tbu <Plug>UpdateMgr

<Leader>tbp					<Plug>ShowPopUp
	Display the Buffer SwitchTo PopUp. This is a sub-section of the
	Right-Click PopUp menu. >
		map <silent> <Leader>tbp<Plug>ShowPopUp

SETTINGS					*tagmabufmgr-settings*

	Automatically open the Buffer Manager Window when starting VIM.
	Defaults to 1. Set to 0 to disable. >
		let g:TagmaBufMgrAutoDisplay = 1

	Show the buffer numbers in the Buffer list.
	Defaults to 1. Set to 0 to disable. >
		let g:TagmaBufMgrBufferNumbers = 1

	Close the manager window after selecting a buffer.
	Defaults to 0. Set to 1 to enable. >
		let g:TagmaBufMgrCloseSelect = 0

	Display the Manager Window on the last line with no status line.
        The Manager Window will be immediately above the command line and
        below the status line of the bottom window(s).
	Defaults to 0. Set to 1 to enable. >
		let g:TagmaBufMgrLastLine = 0

	Closing the last window (besides the Buffer Manager) quits Vim.
	Otherwise a new window will be created.
	Defaults to 0. Set to 1 to enable. >
		let g:TagmaBufMgrLastWindow = 0

	The Manager Window location.
	(T)op, (B)ottom, (L)eft, (R)ight, (F)loat
        When set to (F)loat the window will not be managed/resized.
        All other settings and TagmaBufMgr will manage the location and size
        of the buffer. Resizing as needed.
	Defaults to (T)op. >
		let g:TagmaBufMgrLocation = 'T'

	Map Ctrl-Arrow keys to window navigation.
	Defaults to 1. Set to 0 to disable. >
		let g:TagmaBufMgrMapCArrow = 1

	Map Ctrl-[hjkl] keys to window navigation.
	Overrides setting g:TagmaBufMgrMapChjklbuf.
	Defaults to 1. Set to 0 to disable. >
		let g:TagmaBufMgrMapChjkl = 1

	Map Ctrl-[hjkl] keys to switch buffers in the current window.
	Disabled when g:TagmaBufMgrMapChjkl is enabled.
        Ctrl-h and Ctrl-k switch to the previous buffer.
        Ctrl-j and Ctrl-l switch to the next buffer.
	Defaults to 0. Set to 1 to enable. >
		let g:TagmaBufMgrMapChjklbuf = 0

	Map Ctrl-Tab and Ctrl-Shift-Tab to switch buffers in the current
	Defaults to 1. Set to 0 to disable. >
		let g:TagmaBufMgrMapCTab = 1

        Map the Mouse Foward/Back buttons to switch buffers in the current
        window. The mapping is for <X1Mouse> and <X2Mouse>. These might not
        exist on all platforms.
	Defaults to 1. Set to 0 to disable. >
		let g:TagmaBufMgrMapMouseFB = 1

	Key map prefix for all commands.
	Set to an empty string to disable keymaps.
	Defaults to '<Leader>tb'. >
		let g:TagmaBufMgrPrefix = '<Leader>tb'

	Enable the addition to the Right-Click PopUp menu.
	Adds entries to control the Buffer Manager Window and an entry to
	switch between buffers.
	Defaults to 1. Set to 0 to disable. >
		let g:TagmaBufMgrPopUp = 1

	The Manager Window Width, when at the Left or Right.
	Set to 0 to disable resizing.
	Defaults to 25. >
		let g:TagmaBufMgrWidth = 25
