
Generate temporary AWS credentials via AWS SSO

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Python AWS

Python 3.10 semver

AWS Credential Generator via SSO (IAM Identity Center)

sso_gen will:

  • Log you in to SSO (SSO must be set up)
  • Create profiles for all accounts you have access to
  • Generate temporary credentials for each of those accounts

Before you start

You will need the AWS cli installed, at least version 2.

You can get it from the AWS Documentation.


  • Copy .env.example to .env and edit to add the correct values most importantly:
    • SSO_START_URL=https://d-XXXXXXXXXX.awsapps.com/start
  • Copy acct_map.example.json to acct_map.json and give each account an abbreviation for use in a profile name
  • Optional: Install the needed python and poetry versions with asdf if they are not in your system path
  • Have an existing directory ~/.aws/ in your home directory
  • Have the minimum in your ~/.aws/config (TODO: auto-create)
[profile login]
sso_start_url = https://d-XXXXXXXXXX.awsapps.com/start
sso_region = us-east-1


Code quality

  • format: Format with black and isort
  • lint: Run linters
  • sec: Scan with basic security tools
  • scan: Do a Snyk scan via dockerhub (requires a docker login)


  • build: Create a docker image
  • binary: Create a binary with pyinstaler


  • run: Run the script from the commandline
  • docker-run: Run the docker image


Special files:

  • .isort.cfg - configuration file for isort
  • .tool-version - versions of tools for asdf

Poetry configuration:

Force the virtual env to build in the project dir: poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true This avoids system clutter. Be sure the virtual env dir is in .gitignore