Visual Studio menu plugin for DevPrompt

For debugging a DevPrompt plugin:

  • Get DevPrompt.exe from by either cloning the repo and building DevPrompt.sln, or install the MSI.
  • In Visual Studio
    • Open VisualStudioMenu.Plugin.sln
    • Right-click the VisualStudioMenu.Plugin project
    • Choose Properties
  • In the Debug tab, set:
    • Start external program = (path to DevPrompt.exe)
    • Command line arguments = /plugin "(path to VisualStudioMenu.Plugin.dll)"
  • For example:
    • Start external program = c:\git\DevPrompt\out\Debug.x64\bin\DevPrompt.exe
    • Command line arguments = /plugin "C:\git\DevPrompt.VisualStudioMenu.Plugin\VisualStudioMenu.Plugin\bin\Debug\VisualStudioMenu.Plugin.dll"
  • Make sure that you don't install the public copy of the plugin from the Settings dialog. If so, then two copies of the plugin could be loaded.

Then you can run and debug the plugin from Visual Studio.