
Mini quickstart guide to getting a vitess cluster working on k8s on your dev box

Primary LanguageShell

Vitess Bootstrap

Follow this to configure your dev machine to run a sharded Vitess cluster on a local kubernetes cluster. The repo contains the resources to:

  • Get a local kubernetes working
  • Install the vitess operator
  • Create some keyspaces
  • Set up port-forwarding so you can start working with & monitoring vitess

This is not a vitess tutorial

⚠️ This is not a production-ready template - do not use it as such!

Once you have finished this tutorial, you'll have access to a locally hosted vitess cluster with two keyspaces:

  • configuration - non-sharded, used for id-generation
  • usercontent - sharded, with three tables - channel, post, comment

Inside usercontent, the tables are sharded such that a given channel's posts and comments will all reside on the same shard as the post

Get Kubernetes running on your machine

This section will get k8s running on your box using minikube. If you'd prefer to use docker desktop's version see here

  1. Install minikube
brew install minikube
minikube start --kubernetes-version=v1.21.2 --cpus=8 --memory=11000 --disk-size=30g
minikube dashboard 

Set up vitess into an initial state

  1. Install the Vitess operator - this will let you apply vitess resource definitions as yaml files
kubectl apply -f k8s/operator.yaml
  1. Install the vitess operator into your k8s cluster
kubectl apply -f k8s/initial_cluster.yaml

Wait until all of the pods have initialised; it will take a around 5 minutes. All pods should report 1/1 or 3/3

watch kubectl get po
  1. Ensure you have the vitess client. Once you have it, you'll need to add it to your path (if it isn't added automatically): Ensure you have installed the go sdk to enable you to use go get
go get vitess.io/vitess/go/cmd/vtctlclient

By default, the client will be found at /usr/local/bin/vtctlclient

  1. In a new terminal, run the following script to create port mappings to important vitess pods. It will not terminate until you ctrl+c it (once you have finished with the cluster)

The script will:

  1. In a new terminal run the following script toIt will set up vitess support in k8s, and bootstrap some keyspaces for you
source ./init.sh &
alias vtctlclient="vtctlclient -server=localhost:15999 -logtostderr"
alias mysql="mysql -h -P 3306 -u user"

This will:

  • Create a mysql alias that will automatically log you into vtgate
  • Create a vtctlclient alias that points to your new vitess cluster
  • Seed your vitess cluster with a mini schema and vschema

Allow Vitess to easily select a post given its id

At this point, all records you insert into channel or post will by physically sharded by channel_id, but if you select * from post where id=123, vitess will not know which shard to query for that post. It overcomes this issue using a scatter/gather query (all tablets are queried), but this is inefficient.

Instead, we can now create a secondary vindex (not index) for post.id, so vitess can determine where a post with a given id resides

vtctlclient CreateLookupVindex -tablet_types=REPLICA usercontent "$(cat schemas/post_id-secondary-vindex.json)"

This will create a lookup table named id_post_idx, which will contain a row for each id in the post table, with a mapping of post-id -> the sharding key of the post's channel_id. It will backfill the mapping table with any preexisting posts in the database, and will manage this table going forward.

⚠️ Important! Running CreateLookupVindex updates the VSchema, so you will need to get the latest from Vitess:

vtctlclient GetVSchema usercontent > schemas/v2-usercontent-vschema.json

If you diff the original and new vindexes, you will see the following additions:

  • A new vindex definition named id_post_idx
  • Post has a secondary vindex referencing id_post_idx
  • The id_post_idx mapping table is now defined in the vindex, because it is sharded itself

Sharding comments correctly

At this point, channel's are sharded by channel.id, and posts are sharded by post.channel_id, which means they will be colocated on the same shard, but what about posts?

A post does not have a channel_id column, but it does have a post_id column, and we already have a mapping between post.id -> the parent channel's keyspace id. This means we can reuse the same id_post_idx lookup vindex use use for finding a post's shard given its id!