
Learning how to do autocomplete using RxJS and redux-observable

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Learning how to use RxJS and redux-observable to do autocomplete.


Need to run two processes, the word server and the app.

$ yarn start
$ yarn server

A window will open from the yarn start command.


Type a word into the text field. An ajax request is made to the word server. The word server returns the first 30 words that start with the search term in the text field.

This could all be done on the client side, but I wanted to learn how to make ajax requests using RxJS and redux-observable.

RxJS makes it really easy to cancel ajax requests. Open your browser developer tools and visit the network tab to see this in action. Typing a lot of gibberish quickly into the text field will show requests being made and cancelled every time you type text. This avoids needless multiple open connections. To see how this works look in src/ducks/words.js for the wordEpic method.
