Fetches, verifies and publishes Helm Charts from a running ChartMuseum instance. Harbor works as well, since it uses ChartMuseum under the hood.

This resource works probably best in conjunction with the Helm resource which can be used to perform Helm deployments into Kubernetes clusters.


  • A running ChartMuseum instance (this resource has been tested with v0.7.1)


Add a new resource type to your Concourse CI pipeline:

 - name: chartmuseum
  type: docker-image
    repository: cathive/concourse-chartmuseum-resource
    tag: latest # For reproducible builds use a specific tag and don't rely on "latest".

Source Configuration

  • server_url: Required. The address of the Chartmuseum instance. Must end with a slash.

  • chart_name: Required The name of the chart to operate upon.

  • version_range: Optional parameter that can be used to specify a (SemVer) version range that must match when checking for new charts, e.g. =1.2.0, ^2.0.0, ~0.2.3 of *.

  • basic_auth_username: Optional username to be used if your ChartMuseum is username/password protected. If provided, the paramter basic_auth_password must also be specified.

  • basic_auth_password: Optional password to be used if your ChartMuseum is username/password protected. If provided, the paramter basic_auth_username must also be specified.


The resource implements all three actions (check, in and out).

check: Check for new versions of the Helm chart

Checks for new versions of the specified Helm chart. If a semver version range has been specified in the sourceconfiguration it will be honored when checking new versions.

in: Fetches the chart and (optionally) verifies it's provenance

Places the JSON object that describes the Helm chart into the destination directory along with the package and it's provenance file.

The basename of these three files will be in the format ${chart_name}-${chart_version} unless overwritten by the parameter target_basename.

"in" Parameters

  • target_basename: Optional parameter that can be used to change the name of the input files that will be written.

out: Push an updated version of the Helm chart

"out" Parameters

  • chart: Required Path to the tgz-archive or a folder that contains the chart to be uploaded. If a folder has been specified instead of a tgz file, this folder will be packaged prior to uploading it's contents to the ChartMuseum instance.

  • force: Optional parameter that can be used to force the upload of the chart, even if the version to be uploaded does already exist on the server. Enforcement only works, if the ChartMuseum server has not been started with the --disable-force-overwrite flag, though.

  • version: Optional parameter that can be used to override the "version" field in the chart's Chart.yaml file. If the override version is stored in a file, you can use the parameter version_file instead.

  • version_file: Optional parameter that points to a file that contains a version string that should be used to override the version specified in the chart's Chart.yaml file.

  • sign: Optional parameter that indicates if the chart package should be signed using a GPG key. If set to true either key_data or key_file must be specified as well.

  • key_data: If sign has been set to true, this parameter can be used to pass the key that shall be used to sign the chart package.

  • key_file: If sign has been set to true, this parameter can be used to pass the location of a file that contains the GPG key that shall be used to sign the chart package.

  • key_passphrase: If sign has been set to true this parameter can be used to specifcy the passphrase that protects the GPG signing key that shall be used to sign the chart package.