
Project to send personalised emails

Primary LanguageHTML

Publiposting emails

This project aims at providing boilerplate code for sending personalised emails based on a template.

It includes adding attachements, alternative html and plain text emails as well as reading infos from Google spreadsheets and sending via gmail API.



You will need a secrets file for the email account you want to use to send the emails. You can generate such a file in the Google Cloud Console. The file will need to be placed in the folder called email_secrets.

You will then have to specify it using the set_credentials_file_name() function from email_lib.py.

The first time you will connect to the account a browser window will open and prompt you to connect to the account. This will then cache the access tokens inside a pickle file in the generated_tokens folder.

Google Drive

If you wish to use a Google spreadsheet to pull iformations from you will need to add the service_account_secrets.json file to the drive_secrets folder.


Sensible informations are stored in a .env to preserv details from leaking in the source code