Hi, I'm Wiktor.

Open Source Enthusiast & Data Freedom Fighter 💻

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👋 Hi. I'm Wiktor, but you can call me spageektti. I'm a student with a passion for open source and open data, and I believe that knowledge should be free and accessible to everyone 📚. I also like playing games, especially 🏎️ Super Tux Kart and 🎮 retro classics.

🏆 Competitive Programming 🏆

I'm also an avid competitive programmer, with a strong interest in algorithmic problem-solving 💡. I'm proud to have achieved notable results in various contests, including:

  • 🏅 Medalist of the Polish Junior Olympiad of Informatics,
  • 🏆 Winner of the Kaliski Konkurs Informatyczny ,
  • and other 🎉.

🎁 Contributions 🎁

I'm proud to have contributed to some amazing projects, including:

  • tldr-pages: Simplifying command-line 📝 documentation.
  • OpenStreetMap: 🗺️ Mapping the world, together.
  • OpenFoodFacts: A collaborative project to collect and share 🍔 food product data.

And many more! You can check out my GitHub activity to see what I've been up to lately 🔍.

👥 Organizations & Memberships 👥

  • tldr-pages: Maintainer and Member of the tldr-pages organization.

🙏 Supporting Me 🙏

If you appreciate my contributions to open source and open data, you can tell me about that 💬. I do not accept donations currently and I won't in the next months.

📲 Let's Connect 📲

Feel free to reach out to me if you're working on a project that aligns with my values, or if you just want to chat about open source and open data or any other topic 💬. I'm always up for a conversation 😊!