
Private-sessioned code battles ⚔

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

spaghetti-code 🍝

  • Idea: Private-sessioned code battles (with Video/Audio chat)
    • First player writes the code, second player guesses the output
    • Both players attempt to solve the challenge as quick as possible
    • Both players attempt to solve the challenge in smallest code size


File structure file structure

MongoDB schemas schemas

Challenge Route

Method Endpoint Description
GET /challenge Gets all challenges in the DB.
GET /challenge/:id Gets one challenge from the DB by ID.
POST /challenge adds one challenge to the DB.
PUT /challenge/:id Edits one challenge from the DB.
DELET /challenge/:id Deletes one challenge from the DB.

User Route

Method Endpoint Description
GET /User Gets all Users in the DB.
GET /User/:id Gets one User from the DB by ID.
POST /User adds one User to the DB.
PUT /User/:id Edits one User from the DB.
DELET /User/:id Deletes one User from the DB.

Random Challenge Route

Method Endpoint Description
GET /getrandom Gets one challenge from the DB randomly.

Leaderboard Route

Method Endpoint Description
GET /leaderboard Gets the top 10 users in the DB sorted by score.



Deployed Link
