
This is my Machine Learning and Data Analysis portfolio

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Tidying datas

  • Survey Questionnary
    Organize a questionnary in order to be able to interpret datas further on.



Machine Learning

  • Predict Sentiments on Movies Feedbacks
    I want to predict whether a review is negative or positive, based on the text alone.

  • Predicting Bike Rentals
    Washington, D.C. is one of the cities having communal bike sharing stations where you can rent bicycles by the hour or day. The District collects detailed data on the number of bicycles people rent by the hour and day. I am going predict user beahavior depending on other parameters.

  • Predicting Lending Club Loans
    I am using a machine learning model to predict whether or not we should fund a loan on the Lending Club platform.

  • Predicting house sales prices
    I'll work with housing data for the city of Ames, Iowa, United States from 2006 to 2010.

  • Predicting the stock market (finishing)
    I'll train the model with data from 1950-2012, and try to make predictions from 2013-2015.