This library contains a representation of internet resources:
- IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and ranges
- Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs)
It provides a rich API for dealing with the most common operations performed with IP resources, such as: parsing, printing in several notations, checking if ranges are overlapping or can be merged, etc.
It also provides Comparators, Set collections and other utilities for working with IP ranges and Prefixes.
Asn.of("AS65546"); // AS65546
Asn.of(65546l); // AS65546
Asn.of("1.10"); // AS65546
Asn.of("AS65546").is32Bit() // true
Parsing of AS numbers complies with RFC 5396.
Ipv6 start = Ipv6.of("2001:db8:0:0:0:0:0:0"); // 2001:db8::
Ipv6 end = IPv6.of("2001:db8:0:0:0:0:0:ffff"); // 2001:db8::ffff
// Fluent API for creating new instances
Ipv6Range a = Ipv6Range.from(start).to(end);
Ipv6Range b = Ipv6Range.from(start).andPrefixLength(112);
Ipv6Range c = Ipv6Range.parse("2001:db8::/112");
Ipv6Range d = Ipv6Range.parse("2001:db8::1:0/112");
a.equals(b); // true
a.isEmpty(); // false
a.size(); // 65536
a.contains(b); // true
a.overlaps(d); // false
a.isConsecutive(d); // true
a.merge(d); // 2001:db8::/111
Printing of IPv6 addresses complies with RFC 5952.
Ipv4 start = Ipv4.of("");
Ipv4 end = Ipv4.of("");
// Fluent API for creating new instances
Ipv4Range a = Ipv4Range.from(start).to(end);
Ipv4Range b = Ipv4Range.from("").andPrefixLength(24);
Ipv4Range c = Ipv4Range.parse("");
Ipv4Range d = Ipv4Range.parse("");
a.equals(b); // true
a.isEmpty(); // false
a.size(); // 256
a.contains(b); // true
a.overlaps(d); // false
a.isConsecutive(d); // true
a.merge(d); //
SortedResourceSet<Ipv4, Ipv4Range> set = new SortedResourceSet<Ipv4, Ipv4Range>();
System.out.println(set); // [,]
Ipv6Range a = Ipv6Range.parse("2001::/64");
Ipv6Range b = Ipv6Range.parse("2001::/65");
SizeComparator.<Ipv6Range>get().compare(a, b); // 1
for (Ipv4 ip : Ipv4Range.parse("")) {
// will print:
and more
The commons-ip-math is released under the MIT license.
The project started as a fork of IP Resource and it has been evolved to the extent that most of the logic was rewritten. Special thanks for the inspiration to many contributors of the IP resource library and in particular Erik Rozendaal, Szabolcs Andrasi, Oleg Muravskiy, Johan Ählen and Katie Petrusha.