Learn Node MySql Sequalize

learning Node sequalize

Sequelize Doc's: https://sequelize.org/master/

Topics Refference: https://sequelize.org/v4/manual/installation/getting-started.html

Node Sequelize Topics

  • Setup Node.js,sequelize,express & mysql
  • Model instances & insert data
  • CRUD operation
  • Model Query
  • Query Finder
    • findByPk
    • findAndCountAll
    • findOrCreate
  • Getter & Setter
  • Validation & Constrains
  • Raw Queries
  • Sequalize Relationship
    • One to one
    • One to many
    • Many to many
  • scopes
  • Polymorphic Relationship
    • One to one
    • One to many
    • Many to many
  • Lazy loading & Eager loading
  • Naming Stategis
  • Paranoid soft delete
  • Transiction
  • Hooks
  • Migration
  • Seeding