Simple typescript project with a closestToZero function :
given an array of positive and negative integers, it returns the closest number to zero
if the closest number in input could be either negative or positive, the function returns the positive one
if the input array is undefined or empty, the function returns 0
# Install dev dependencies
yarn install
# Get The Result for [8, 5, 10] : It must return 5
yarn closestToZero 8 5 10
# Get The Result for [5, 4, -9, 6, -10, -1, 8]: It must return -1
yarn closestToZero 5 4 -9 6 -10 -1 8
# Get The Result for [8, 2, 3, -2]: It must return 2
yarn closestToZero 8 2 3 -2
# Get The Result for []: It must return 0
yarn closestToZero
# Launch Test
yarn test
# Get code coverage (coverage generated in ./coverage/lcov-report/index.html)
yarn coverage