San Antonio, TX & Albuquerque, NM
SUMMARY: Thirty years of experience in software development (full-stack), cloud (devops, Kubernetes, containers), machine learning, GIS & remote sensing, startups, engineering management, marketing, and developer relations.\
Programming: Typescript, Javascript. Java, C, Ruby, Python, Perl
Software: Oracle, Postgres, MySQL, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, Redis, Kibana, R, Jupyter Notebook, Cloud & DevOps: Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, GKE, Azure, serverless, Pulumi. microservices
Languages: English (native), French (proficient), Haitian Creole (proficient), Spanish (basic), Tagalog (basic)
Lead Developer Evangelist
HERE Technologies (current):
- Application development using HERE data products and services
- Deploying CI/CD pipelines
- Content creation: mapping applications, blogging, tutorials, and videos
Developer Advocate
Pulumi 9/2019-present
- Experienced with DevOps and cloud resources, including serverless, containers, and Kubernetes on AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform
- Authored twice-weekly technical blog posts with code that drove organic search through generating 25% of site traffic week over week.
- Wrote software documentation and delivered workshops and presentations
Senior Product Manager
Anaconda 8/2018-8/2019
- Five major releases of Anaconda Distribution and Miniconda, a ML/AI Python and R distribution with over 16 million downloads per year
- Managed 8 person engineering team
- Delivered product messaging through meetups, presentations, mailing lists, blogs and tutorials
- Managed partner relationships to ensure product integrity and viability with CondaForge (upstream open source partner) and JetBrains/PyCharm
Developer Relations Engineer
Docker 1/2016-8/2018
- Authored top 5 most read Docker blog posts for 2017 and 2018
- Produced videos, tutorials and labs on developing with containers, deploying polyglot applications, modernizing traditional applications, and deploying on kubernetes
- Presented at meetups, Java One, Node.js, and DockerCon
- Team member producing certification exam for Docker Certified Associate
Code for America 1/2013-12/2013
- Developed Ohana API, an open source human services directory for San Mateo County
- Won Knight News Challenge Grant to continue work on Ohana API
- Authored the Human Services Data Specification for data exchange
Freelance 2010-2016
- - IoT vulnerability research
- JetPac - Applying machine learning to social media
- Thorne - Data hygiene to support stopping child exploitation
- InfoChimps - Created Hadoop hybrid big data spatial database
Previous Positions
Director of Operations, OpenGeo 2009-2010
Director of Integration, Erdas 2007-2009
Founder & Chief Technology Officer, Ionic Enterprise 2002-2007
Senior Program Manager, In-Q-Tel 2000-2002
Senior Scientist, URS 1997-2000
Senior Analyst, GIS/Trans 1996-1997
Senior Project Manager, Isis 1996
Programmer III, City of Austin,TX 1995-1996\
Texas A&M University: ABD - Forest Science 1991-1994
University of Florida: MA - Geography 1988-1991
University of Texas: BA - History 1983-1988
English (native), French (proficient), Haitian Creole (proficient), Spanish (basic), Tagalog (basic)