
Web UI to manage mysql DB schema dumps

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Web UI to manage mysql DB schema dumps, using https://github.com/ifsnop/mysqldump-php as diff tool.


Copy db dir to your project.

Protect the dir. If using apache you can use the provided .htaccess; change the password using:

htpasswd db/.htpasswd admin

Fill your DB credentials in db/db.config.sample.php and rename to db.config.php

In db/dump/index.php there are some constants which you can change to specify schema dir and git updated schema.sql. The defaults are respectively db/schema/ and db/schema.sql .

It's needed to give the webserver write permission. In my case I use Ubuntu and apache2, so I suggest:

sudo chgrp www-data db db/schema
sudo chmod g+w db db/schema

Point your browser to your project root URL followed by /db/dump/

Feel free to mess around or ask any questions.
