
Primary LanguageJavaScript

AKHQ configuration

What it does:

  • This repo will spin-up a kafka, zookeeper, schema-registry, ldap server and AKHQ instance using docker-compose
  • This will also populate a some test data and with some topics.
    • aTopic
    • bTopic
  • ldap will have users. Some of them are below
    • aUser1 => Group: aTopicDevs
    • aUser2 => Group: aTopicDevs
    • aUser3 => Group: aTopicDevsAll
    • aUser4 => Group: aTopicDevsAll
  • aUser1 and aUser2 will have just read permissions on topic aTopic.
  • aUser3 and aUser4 will have both read and config permissions on topic aTopic.
  • Creates a local user admin123 with password admin123 having all the permissions on kafka resources.
  • Makes ldap user admin with pasword admin having all the permissions on kafka resources.

How to Bring it up:

  • docker-compose up

Check status of containers

  • docker-compose ps Note: if test-data container may not run successully and may exit (in above command output), then start is again using following command
  • docker-compose up test-data Note: docker-compose up command will attach to your current terminal. Use docker-compose up -d to detach the terminal.
  • test-data container creates aTopic and bTopic topics.

How to verify

  • Open URL http://localhost:8080 in your browser.
  • Use above mentioned super users admin(ldap account) and admin123(local account) (their passwords are different) to login and make sure you can see aTopic and bTopic topics.
  • Login with aUser1 and aUser2 accounts (ldap accounts). These users will be able to see just aTopic. These will not be able to modify its configurations. Whereas aUser3 and aUser4 will be able to both read and modify configuration for aTopic.
  • bUser1 and bUser2 will not be able to login. Note: Password for above users are in scripts/security/ldap_users folder.

How to teardown

  • docker-compose down
  • docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)


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