Please change your name and email in <cloned_repo_dir>/git_configs/gitconfig file after you cloned this repo.


Following tools will be installed on system. Installation commands for these tools are mentioned below for macos

  • tmux (terminal multiplexer)
  • pcre (used as dev dependency while compiling nnn)
  • fd (modern find written in rust)
  • bat (colourful cat)
  • fzf (fuzzy finder)
  • ripgrep (modern grep written in rust)
  • oh-my-zsh (is being installed as part of script)
  • vim => 8.0
  • nvim
  • perl (used in various scripts)
  • greadlink (part of coreutils)
  • jq (parsing json)
  • yq (parsing yaml)
  • meld (gui file diff)
  • git
  • tree
  • mktemp
  • exa (for git fuzzy)
  • git-delta (for git diff)
  • lsd (ls with icons, aliased to ls)
  • nnn (terminal file manager with icons, is being compiled and installed as part of download script)
  • font-hack-nerd-font (set iterm2 font: "Hack Nerd Font Propo", font-style: regular, font-size: 15)
  • nvm (to install node.js. Node is used by VIM CoC plugin)
  • pyenv (to install python and to get python version in prompt)
  • asdf (to manage different versions of kubectl)

Install various tools via brew and npm

brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew install --cask font-hack-nerd-font
brew install tmux pcre fd bat fzf ripgrep vim coreutils git tree git-delta lsd nvm pyenv asdf nvim pinentry-mac gnupg tfenv exa jq yq meld universal-ctags lazygit
pyenv install 3.10.0
pyenv global 3.10.0
nvm install --lts
nvm use --lts
# node --version
# v16.13.0
nvm alias default 16.13.0
tfenv install
tfenv use 1.1.2

# Install language servers for nvim
npm install -g neovim
brew install hashicorp/tap/terraform-ls stylua shellharden rust-analyzer prettier pyright bash-language-server write-good ansible-language-server yaml-language-server gopls lua-language-server
pip3 install neovim

Set iterm-2 font

You need to set this font in your iterm2. You may install other fonts as well.

font: "Hack Nerd Font Propo", font-style: regular, font-size: 15

Take backup of following files from your home directory if you have


Setup your Terminal, Vim and other tools

Note: You can clone the repo anywhere you like and it should work.

git clone
cd dotFiles

Note: if above script fails on CoC, then run following three commands and run script ./ again. Even if above steps are successful you still need to run following commands in order to run CoC properly in vim.

cd downloaded/vim-plugins/coc.nvim
npm install esbuild
npm run build

Set your terminal theme (Tmux and Vim also uses same theme)

Run following command


Restart the terminal.

Set kubectl version (Optional)

asdf plugin-add kubectl
asdf install kubectl 1.20.11
asdf global kubectl 1.20.11

About ./

  • This script will download various vim plugins and oh-my-zsh shell and its plugins in <cloned_repo_dir>/downloaded directory.
  • This will set your shell to zsh
  • It will create various symlinks from your homedir to <cloned_repo_dir> e.g .vimrc, .zshrc, .zprofile etc.
  • Run ls -la $HOME command to see what is being symlinked.
  • Compiles nnn (terminal file browser)
  • creates various shell functions.
  • Script is idempotent and can be run repeatedly without any harm

How to remove the whole thing

  • Run ls -la $HOME command to see what is being symlinked to <cloned_repo_dir> directory and make a note of it.
  • Change your shell and Remove <cloned_repo_dir> directory.
  • Remove symlinks noted above.
  • Brew packages can be uninstalled using brew command.

How to remove vim plugins

  • Method-1: Remove vim plugin directory from <cloned_repo_dir>/downloaded/vim-plugins location and restart VIM. You can re-install this plugin by just running ./ script again.
  • Method-2: Alternatively remove the vim-plugin entry in ./ (inside downloadVimPlugins) and run ./ again. It will remove the vim-plugin

How to add new vim plugin

  • Add the git repo of vim plugin in ./ script where you see all the vim plugins list (inside downloadVimPlugins function).

What do you get from this

  • Colourful ls output.
  • Soothing terminal, vim and tmux theme (base16_gruvbox)
  • git diff is more colourful
  • zsh default command line mode is vi.
    • To edit a long command in terminal more effectively, press <ESC>vv. This will open vim where you can edit command and exit when done.
  • Run base16<tab><tab> to set more terminal themes.
  • tmux tricks
    • In tmux, run ctrl+b g to capture the entire session in current pane. A timestamped file will be created in your home directory. ctrl+b g will create new file everytime.
    • If using tmux, then it will show you active and inactive tmux panes.
    • If using tmux, you can search for words in the terminal and scroll/copy/select in terminal using vi keys.
    • Move tmux panes easily among tmux windows.
      • Use ctrl+b m to mark the pane you want to move to another tmux window.
      • Switch to the desired tmux window by pressing ctrl+b <tmux window number>.
      • Now press ctrl+b [h|j|k|l] to bring marked pane here. h, j, k, l keys are taken from vim motion keys.
      • h => to the left of current pane, j => to the bottom, k => to the top, l => to the right
  • In a git repo directory, run git fuzzy log to browse and search git history in nicer way. Use Shift-<up|down arrow> to scroll up and down.
  • ctrl+r will give you nicer command history.
  • nnn a nice icon based terminal file-browser (aliased to n). just run n to play with it and q to quit.
    • nnn has its own 4 tabs. Each tab maintains its own state.
    • nnn is highly customizable. You can launch programs and can write your own plugins.
    • press . to toggle hidden files, and t to sort by time. Get help with ?
    • use vim keys to navigate and search (h, j, k, l, /)
  • Command prompt with icons

vim tricks

  • Uses vim built-in plugin manager

  • CoC plugin gives you vscode like customization features for development.

    • e.g Install python support in vim by running :CocInstall coc-pyright and so on.
  • Open nnn file browser inside vim by <spacebar> n, making vim like IDE.

    • Use ctrl+v to open file in vertical split and ctrl+s to open file in horizontal split.
  • Open pop up terminal inside vim by pressing <spacebar>fn. Toggle the presence of pop-up terminal by pressing <spacebar>ft.

  • Editing file in git in vim will give inform you about what lines are added (showing + sings), deleted (showing - signgs) and changed (showing ~ signs).

    • You can revert these changes by pressing <spacebar>hu.
  • vim shows light vertical indent lines.

  • Look for nnn, fzf, gitgutter and floatterm vim plugins documentation for more tricks.

  • nvim tricks

    • Most of the plugins used in nvim are lua based, hence nvim is fast.
    • Inside nvim press <ALT>e to open file explorer. In MacOS press <right option>e. See at the end, how to set your iterm-2 right option key as <ALT> key.
      • press g? for nvim-tree help
    • Press <spacebar>tt to open nvim telescope. You can search a number of items in telescope. e.g grep in all files.
      • Press <C-t> to open search results in nvim trouble quickfix list.
      • Press <C-q> to open search results in traditional quickfix list.
      • By default telescope opens in directory where nvim was launched. This can be confirmed via running :pwd command.
        • pwd can be changed in number of ways.
          • first one is to use :cd <tab><tab>
          • Second one is to use nnn
            • Press <spacebar>np to launch nnn in a float window.
            • navigate via arrow keys or hjkl keys to reach desired directory.
            • press on the desired directory or file to select it.
            • Now press <ALT-w> to change the nvim working directory.
            • At this time nnn may switch to another folder, simply press q to quit.
            • confirm it by running :pwd command.
    • Press <spacebar>tr to resume the search in telescope where you left last time.
    • Git history of a file can be viewed.
    • Press <C-\>c to open a terminal in a pop-up window. (Floatterm)
      • <C-\>z to enlarge the pop-up window.
      • <C-\>s to small it.
      • <C-\>l to place it vertically on right.
      • <C-\>h to place it vertically on left.
      • <C-\>j to place it horizontally at bottom.
      • <C-\>t to toggle the visibility of floatterm
      • <C-\>r rotate among floating terminals
      • <C-\><C-n> to switch in vim normal mode in terminal.
    • To get full path of current open file, in normal mode press "%p i.e paste the content of % register
      • or :echo expand("%:p") or :echo expand("%")
    • code related
      • <C-<space>> invokes manual suggesstions for code
        • <C-<space><space>> invokes documentation on word when editing rust file.
      • Select text using V j or k keys, and then press gc. This will comment the code
      • <C-q> opens all errors in quickfix window
      • <space-e> shows current error in code at a specific highlighted line.
      • <space>f or <space>nf to format the current buffer.
        • You may need to set the filetype if it does not work. e.g :set filetype=markdown
        • <space>f uses language server to format
        • <space>nf uses null-ls to format
      • <space>xd to view all errors in current buffer
      • <space>xw to view all errors in current workspace/project
      • <space>tld toggle diag errors in current buffer


  • IndentLine vim plugin does not show json files correctly. It does not show double-quotes due to a bug. You can disable this feature while editing json file by running command :IndentLinesDisable in vim

Additional optional settings for Macos iterm2


  • System Preference -> Keyboard -> key repeat = Fast (take the marker to extreme right)
  • System Preference -> Keyboard -> Delay Until Repeat = Short (take the marker to extreme right)

Even faster cursor in terminal and vim

iterm2 settings

  • iterm2 Preferences -> General -> Selection Tab -> check Applications in Terminal may access clipboard
  • iterm2 Preferences -> Profiles -> Create new profile with name DropDown -> select DropDown -> Text tab -> set font to Hack Nerd Font Propo -> Regular -> 15
  • iterm2 Preferences -> Profiles -> select DropDown -> Window tab -> style => Maximized, Screen => Screen with Cursor, Space => current Space
  • iterm2 Preferences -> Profiles -> select DropDown -> Keys Tab -> check => A hotkey opens a dedicated window in this profile, click => Configure Hotkey Window -> Set Hotkey to <option><Space>, check => Pin hotkey window (stays open on loss of keybaord focus), check => Show this Hotkey window
  • iterm2 Preferences -> Profiles -> select DropDown -> Keys Tab -> Left Option Key => Normal, click => apps can change this, Right Option Key => ESC+
    • Right Option Key => ESC+ allows right option key to be used as <ALT> key by applications. e.g FZF and neovim

Install iterm2 themes

  • iTerm2 themes are also downloaded by script. These themes can be installed by following steps.
cd <cloned_repo_dir>/downloaded/extraShellUtilities/Gogh/themes/
cd <cloned_repo_dir>/downloaded/extraShellUtilities/iTerm2-Color-Schemes
tools/ 'schemes/ayu.itermcolors'
  • Note: Above steps install peppermint theme in iTerm2
  • iterm2 Preferences -> Profiles -> Create new profile with name DropDown -> select DropDown -> Colors tab -> Color Presets.. -> Peppermint
  • Some interesting themes
    • Ayu Dark
    • JellyBeans
    • TomorrowNight
    • Pastel (Dark Background) => pre-installed in iTerm2