
A proxy server that implements Socks5/Shadowsocks/Redirect/HTTP (tcp) and Shadowsocks/TProxy/Tunnel (udp) protocols.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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A proxy server that implements Socks5/Shadowsocks/Redirect/HTTP (tcp) and Shadowsocks/TProxy/Tunnel (udp) protocols.

Thanks to Dabeaz's awesome curio project: https://github.com/dabeaz/curio

This project is inspired by qwj's python-proxy project(https://github.com/qwj/python-proxy), and some part of http proxy code was copy from it.

It is a replacement of shadowsocks and shadowsocks-libev, you can replace ss-redir, ss-tunnel, ss-server, ss-local with shadowproxy.py


usage: shadowproxy [-h] [-v] [--version] [--monitor] server [server ...]

uri syntax: {server_scheme}://[cipher:password@]{netloc}[#fragment][{=client_scheme}://[cipher:password@]{netloc}]

support tcp schemes:
  server_scheme: socks, ss, red, http, https
  client_scheme: ss, http
support udp schemes:
  server_scheme: ssudp, tproxyudp, tunneludp
  client_scheme: ssudp


# socks5 --> shadowsocks
shadowproxy -v socks://:8527=ss://aes-256-cfb:password@

# http   --> shadowsocks
shadowproxy -v http://:8527=ss://aes-256-cfb:password@

# https  --> shadowsocks
shadowproxy -v https://:8527#keyfile,certfile=ss://aes-256-cfb:password@

# redir  --> shadowsocks
shadowproxy -v red://:12345=ss://aes-256-cfb:password@

# shadowsocks server (tcp)
shadowproxy -v ss://aes-256-cfb:password@:8888

# shadowsocks server (udp)
shadowproxy -v ssudp://aes-256-cfb:password@:8527

# tunnel --> shadowsocks (udp)
shadowproxy -v tunneludp://:8527#

# tproxy --> shadowsocks (udp)
shadowproxy -v tproxyudp://:8527=ssudp://aes-256-cfb:password@


shadowproxy requires Python3.6.

pip install shadowproxy