
A Starter Vue Storybook Project

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Vue Storybook Starter

A Vue Storybook Starter project that is setup with the a11y, Jest, Controls, Percy, and StoryShots addons.

Project setup

  1. Run npm install to download dependencies.
  2. Run npm run test to run Jest and StoryShots.
    • We need to do this before running storybook in order to generate the .jest-test-results.json file, which is used by the Jest Storybook Addon.
  3. Run npm run storybook to run Storybook locally. You should see a new browser tab open with Storybook running.
  4. Run npm run snapshot to generate Percy snapshots. You will need a Percy account with a project and your PERCY_TOKEN for authentication.

Storybook Addons