
Python Interface Disk and Filesystem Utils

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

Python Interface and cli for Disk and Filesystem Utils


Unix/Linux Operating System

How to Use


    $ git clone https://github.com/rrajaravi/pydfu.git
    $ cd pydfu
    $ python setup.py install

Command Line

    $ pydfu --help
    usage: pydfu [-h] {df,du,scan} ...

    Disk and FileSystem Utils

    positional arguments:
      {df,du,scan}  help for subcommand
        df          df help
        du          du help
        scan        scan help

    optional arguments:
      -h, --help    show this help message and exit
    $ pydfu df
    FileSystem    1K-blocks     Used          Avail         Use%          Mounted On    
    udev          3780128       0             3780128       0%            /dev          
    tmpfs         760264        17780         742484        3%            /run          
    /dev/sda1     102049120     9684784       87157504      11%           /             
    tmpfs         3801300       436           3800864       1%            /dev/shm      
    tmpfs         5120          4             5116          1%            /run/lock     
    tmpfs         3801300       0             3801300       0%            /sys/fs/cgroup
    vmhgfs-fuse   249414652     134421324     114993328     54%           /mnt/hgfs     
    tmpfs         760264        76            760188        1%            /run/user/1000
    $ pydfu du /tmp/suf -h
    258.0 B   /tmp/suf/configure_os_datastage_node.xml
    258.0 B   /tmp/suf/configure_os_db_node.xml
    258.0 B   /tmp/suf/configure_app_datastage_node.xml
    258.0 B   /tmp/suf/configure_app_core_svcs_node.xml
    258.0 B   /tmp/suf/configure_app_db_node.xml
    258.0 B   /tmp/suf/configure_os_web_node.xml
    258.0 B   /tmp/suf/configure_os_core_svcs_node.xml
    258.0 B   /tmp/suf/configure_app_web_node.xml
    258.0 B   /tmp/suf/configure_app_analytics_node.xml
    258.0 B   /tmp/suf/configure_os_analytics_node.xml

    Total Size: 2.52 KB


    import pydfu
    df = pydfu.df()
    # get list of file system object
    # query for a file system based on path and get file system object
    fs = df.query_one(path='/')

    # query all file systems based on size and get matches in list
    fs = df.query(size='>10g')

    # query for a file system based on used size
    fs = df.query_one(use='<100%')
    # query for a file system based on multiple conditions
    fs = df.query_one(size='>10g', use='<50%') 
    du = pydfu.du()
    # get list of file and directory object
    du.total_size # get total size of /tmp 
    # access a file or directory object
    # access information of a file or directory object
    >>> du.query('/tmp')[0].name
    >>> du.query('/tmp')[0].size
    >>> du.query('/tmp')[0].size_in_h
    '11.0 B'

Planned work / work in progress

Track: https://github.com/rrajaravi/pydfu/blob/master/WORK.md