
Digital image processing library

Primary LanguageCommon LispMIT LicenseMIT


Digital image processing library.


$ cd ~/quicklisp/local-projects
$ git clone https://github.com/sparkecho/dip.git


CL-USER> (ql:quickload :dip)


Common Lisp Libraries

Purposes Dependencies
Image display clx, cl-opengl, cl-glfw3, sdl2
Image encode/decode cl-jpeg, pngload, zpng
Auxiliary alexandria

Foreign Libraries

Image display

If you are using UNIX/Linux as CLX backend is supported, you can use clx backend to display image, without any other dependencies. Otherwise you need to make sure GLFW3 and OpenGL are installed or SDL2 is installed, as they are used to display image. To display an image you can choose from different backends, different dependencies are required respectly:

Backends Dependencies
GLFW3 GLFW3, OpenGL(> 3.3)
CLX None (UNIX/Linux only)


CL-USER> (defparameter *img* (dip:imread "~/quicklisp/local-projects/dip/data/lena.jpg"))

In this project imshow use glfw3 backend by default, but you can change it by provid the backend parameter (Note that you cannot only provide the backend parameter without providing the title parameter.) or set the special variable dip:*default-backend*. For example, to use sdl2 backend you can either do

CL-USER> (dip:imshow *img* "lena" :sdl2)


CL-USER> (setf dip:*default-backend* :sdl2)
CL-USER> (dip:imshow *img* "lena")

to achive it.

;; Display image, but you will find that color is not right.
CL-USER> (dip:imshow *img* "lena")
;; This is because in the result of cl-jpeg channels are arranged as BGR not RGB.
;; Convert color from BGR to RGB.
CL-USER> (dip:convert *img* :bgr->rgb)
;; Display again, now the output looks right.
CL-USER> (dip:imshow *img* "lena")
;; We can do something to the image, such as flip horizontal:
CL-USER> (dip:flip *img* :h)
;; Display it, and we will see it works.
CL-USER> (dip:imshow *img* "lena")
;; This image can be saved with function imwrite.
;; But we should change image from RGB back to BGR to write it.
CL-USER> (dip:convert *img* :bgr->rgb)
CL-USER> (dip:imwrite "~/fliped_lena.jpg" *img*)


This project is actively updating, any part of this project may change. Becareful to use it in your project, no supportion is provided.

If you seek a much more mature image processing library, have a look at opticl. They did a great job, this project also inspired and borrowed much from it.

But this project has some advantiges that opticl has not. For example opticl itself does not has any diaplay tools that can help you show your image on the screen, you need to write it to file and use an image viewer to check it. But this project contains various backends to display your image instantly, which make it more ease to use.

Issues are welcome, but PRs are too early to receive.


For more information you can look at TODO list.
