This repo houses all of the SFE Fritzing parts for use in diagrams in tutorials. If you create a new part in Fritzing that correlates to an SFE part, please add it here so others may use it and to avoid duplication.
- 1
Error when importing fritzing library
#34 opened by wegunterjr - 1
Request: SparkFun Transceiver Breakout - MAX3232
#33 opened by rgov - 3
- 1
- 2
- 2
- 0
- 2
- 0
.fzbz files
#27 opened by hak42 - 1
Missing license.txt!
#25 opened by majikthys - 1
ESP8266 Thing is missing some connectors
#24 opened by tom-mi - 1
missing L6470-AutoDriver
#17 opened by MarcusWolschon - 2
- 7
no .fzbz file to import
#16 opened by MarcusWolschon - 1
Connector Labels not showing
#13 opened by AusUser5 - 2
Missing TMP006 part
#22 opened by rogeriobiondi - 1
ZX Sensor missing?
#21 opened by blundell - 5
Where to put these files
#12 opened by dagwieers - 2
LM7805 swaps legs in PCB view
#8 opened by jenschr - 2
Pull in Weather Shield Fritzing part
#7 opened by ToniCorinne - 1
Pull in Microview Fritzing images
#9 opened by ToniCorinne - 3
intel edison blocks
#5 opened by bewest - 4
- 5
Not a usable part in Fritzing
#1 opened by mb323