
Three Files with the Extension .ino prevent compile in Windows.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

mitag commented

The firmware consists of several files, three of which have the extension .ino. Yesterday I bought a 20x4 SerLCD and this has the known backlight bug in the firmware. On your side the procedure is described very well, but I could not compile the firmware under Windows 10, because only one file may have the extension .ino. Trying to rename the files to header files caused several problems. So I installed everything under Debian Linux and the three files with the extension .ino don't interfere! I forked the firmware and uploaded the binary file in the fork, because you fixed the bug but didn't upload a binary file. It's not that bad, but just to fix the bug, the steps are too extensive for most users.

mitag commented

For now, I've written a small workeround in my fork.

Hmm. Weird. It is correct to have multiple INO files in a given directory. It's called tabs; we do it a lot to segment large sketches into various relevant buckets. Arduino opens multiple INOs correctly as shown


Sorry for not pushing a hex file. I can get that into the next release.

Thanks for trying to upgrade your 20x4! Let me know if you continue to have issues. I'm going to close this issue because I don't think it's an issue. Please correct me if you still have problems.

The issue turned out to be caused by a bug in arduino-builder, which has already been fixed.

Details: arduino/Arduino#8360 (comment)