Conversion of Libraries for Use with an OSS EDA Suite
leee opened this issue · 1 comments
Even though I may not be a commercial user of EAGLE, I still paid $1500 for some reasonable software that I use several times an year.
Now that Autodesk has purchased EAGLE from CadSoft and decided to start a subscription model, I strongly urge your team to reconsider an issue that was submitted back in 2015: #70 - "Possible conversion to an OSS-based library?"
The subscription model is not sustainable for hobbyists and makers like me who want more than 2 signal layers and 160 cm^2 board area. $500 dollars for EAGLE Premium an year - 20 years later and I've spent $10,000 on software I only use a few times an year. (But then again, I suppose I do spend just as much money on parts and components - money I throw at you, right? :^)
In any case - I have been playing around with KiCad, and it seems quite reasonably featured and mature now.
I don't know how much time-cost is involved for doing this, but I am hoping that by submitting this issue, your team can see that there is an interest/want for this.
Take a look at this repo:
It is not up to date with SparkFun-Eagle-Libraries, but it should be enough to use with KiCad.