An Arduino library to control the BME280 humidity and pressure sensor.
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- 1
Wire.begin Called Within .begin Method
#46 opened by oclyke - 3
- 0
- 17
- 1
readFloatHumidity doesn't return decimals
#42 opened by TheAustrian - 1
- 3
- 2
Support Custom Wire Ports
#33 opened by oclyke - 2
Example9_SoftwareI2C/Example9_SoftwareI2C.ino:38: undefined reference to `BME280::beginI2C(SoftwareWire&)'
#32 opened by supersjimmie - 1
beginSPI and beginI2C call begin twice
#36 opened by pbolduc - 2
- 3
Connecting to A4 & A5 doesn't work.
#31 opened by danlewis - 2
Incorrect Coefficient in Altitude Calculation
#30 opened by seekerdave - 1
Oversampling bits?
#28 opened by szilvasyz - 1
- 1
Dual Sensors have different readings
#26 opened by vangalvin - 0
How to find my local ReferencePressure?
#25 opened by ferazambuja - 1
relative humidity issues with BME280
#15 opened by brooksdr - 1
Compilation error with ESP32 MSBFIRST
#13 opened by 1technophile - 5
High current consumption
#6 opened by PaulRB - 1
dig_H6 is int8_t acrroding to datasheet
#16 opened by aeris-ming - 1
Error compiling Arduino 1.8.5
#14 opened by markuspmeyer - 1
.begin() get hanging if BME280 failure
#9 opened by tbdltee - 1
some minor suggerstions
#7 opened by holgerlembke - 2
Calibration's problem
#4 opened by QwiateQ - 2
Reference pressure can't be set
#1 opened by blenheim - 2
BME280 GYBMEP incorrect sensor readings
#19 opened by mailgpa - 6
Relative Humidity always an integer %
#3 opened by PaulRB