
Convert Raw Acceleration

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Hi everyone,

First of all thank you for the Libary, even I as a beginner managed to get a lot working.

I used the Example 7 to get the Euler Angles and tried to add the Raw Accelaration.

It works fine and i get an output, however i dont understand how i can convert this Accel value into m/s2.

Thank you in advance!
Best regards,

Hi Max,

It has been a while since I looked at this, but I think the DMP outputs Accel values in milli-g.

What Accel values do you see? With the chip horizontal, what Z value do you see? Is it close to 1000?

To convert milli-g to m/s2 you need to multiply by 0.00980665 (9.81 / 1000).

Best wishes,