Centimeter precision GPS/GNSS using L1/L2 signals broadcast over Bluetooth SPP (using the ESP32) in an easy to use enclosure.
- 0
HPG v1.51 firmware not recognised
#786 opened by PaulZC - 0
RTK Surveyor: Can't Connect to WiFi
#785 opened by yousif20121 - 0
Incorrect Survey-In limit: 900s should be 600s
#784 opened by nseidle - 5
- 3
- 13
BLE high frequency of disconnects
#761 opened by bendauphinee - 0
- 1
Poweroff cut 1 minute of data
#754 opened by Stefal - 4
Error entering base coordinates in serial terminal
#779 opened by amlago - 2
LIS2DH12 still not used?
#778 opened by sixtemesseven - 3
- 9
Add support for multiple NTRIP servers
#767 opened by nseidle - 9
Failure in Wifi Config when using base coordinates saved in SD in GGG MM SS.ssss format
#771 opened by amlago - 3
NTRIP Server restarted after going from Base to Rover
#774 opened by PaulZC - 4
SD Init Failed message when Bluetooth is connected
#758 opened by Stefal - 1
Display turns on briefly without pressing button
#762 opened by nseidle - 10
Determining L-Band operating region
#769 opened by cturvey - 1
WiFi Password entry does not like "9.876543"
#745 opened by nseidle - 2
- 2
- 1
- 5
RTK Express drops from casting to xmitting and does not automatically reconnect
#768 opened by blubbi321 - 3
Reference Station Casting-->Xmitting - failure to reconnect to caster on Ethernet
#775 opened by PaulZC - 9
Support for ESRI Field Maps on iOS
#772 opened by DShaeffer - 16
#763 opened by kmnkpy - 2
No NMEA over Bluetooth
#770 opened by TheCre8r - 1
- 5
- 0
Allow selection of units: m or ft
#759 opened by nseidle - 0
UBX Checksum errors are back
#757 opened by Stefal - 5
- 1
Facet does not power up
#750 opened by caradag - 3
AP Config menu - add function to force update of L-Band Keys (perhaps on next reboot?)
#736 opened by tonycanike - 2
Device incorrect identifies as RTK Surveyor
#737 opened by nseidle - 8
- 14
Lot of RTK Fix lost since firmware 3.6
#733 opened by Stefal - 1
Need ability to disable USB, DATA, and RADIO ports
#734 opened by nseidle - 1
- 1
Bluetooth is disabled after key update via serial
#738 opened by nseidle - 3
Strange Wifi behaviour (fixed)
#692 opened by Stefal - 2
Can't copy/paste Lat/Lon/Alt coordinates into Serial Menu Base Geodetic coordinates
#732 opened by tonycanike - 2
Bricked RTK Express after a firmware downgrade.
#735 opened by Stefal - 3
Logging SD card icon change by single bar
#731 opened by caradag - 1
- 6
Updating from 3.3 to 3.9 via Config web page fails
#712 opened by gdt - 0
- 0
Allow user to specify log file name
#727 opened by tonycanike - 2
- 1
New Feature Request: Configuration utility setting that sets UBLOX_CFG_USBINPROT_SPARTN to 1 on reboot/powerup
#713 opened by demurs73582 - 4