
sendCommand (poll / get) failed! for UBX_RXM_RAWX request

skywo1f opened this issue · 10 comments

set up the message:
` customCfg.cls = UBX_CLASS_CFG; // This is the message Class = UBX_RXM_RAWX; //UBX-RXM-RAWX

customCfg.len = 0; // Setting the len (length) to zero let's us poll the current settings

customCfg.startingSpot = 0; // Always set the startingSpot to zero (unless you really know what you are doing)


then sent with
if (myGPS.sendCommand(&customCfg, maxWait) != SFE_UBLOX_STATUS_DATA_RECEIVED)

but that seems to have failed. This is on the sam-m8q breakout board. I am talking to it via arduino

Hi @skywo1f ,
Tricky... Accessing RAWX via customCfg should work but:

  • RAWX messages can be around 2KBytes in size. You will need to make sure your "payload" is big enough to hold the entire message.
  • RAWX works best when sent "periodically" (via CFG MSG) - the library doesn't support that - yet...
  • And there may be a gotcha in the library that prevents messages larger than MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE from being received...
  • The final gotcha is that RAWX is only available on "High Precision" or "Time Sync" products like the ZED-F9P. It won't work on the SAM-M8Q.

The good news is that RAWX will be supported in the new v2.0 of the library. We are trying to have this ready by mid-January.
Best wishes,

any updates?

v2.0 of the library is here:
And the data logging examples are here:

But please remember that you cannot receive RAWX on the SAM-M8Q. You need a high precision module like the ZED-F9P.

Looking at the datasheet for the SAM-M8Q:
it states:
Raw Data: Code phase output

Is that not the data required to find satellite range?

Hi @skywo1f ,

OK. I agree. "Raw Data: Code phase output" certainly suggests you should be able to access the carrier phase data (via RAWX)...

But if you look at the M8 protocol specification, there is a note that RAWX is only available on certain modules (not including the SAM-M8Q as that is a "standard precision" product)


I think I'd better test this! It would be a massive plus if you can receive RAWX on the SAM. Certainly it wasn't true a few years ago. I had to buy a NEO-M8T to be able to get RAWX back then...

Best wishes,

Ah. I wonder if they are referring to RXM-MEASX. That contains "code phase" data - but that's not the same thing as the "carrier phase" data found in RAWX.



Is that command supported? do you know if the process is the same as rawx?

Also, thank you for going above and beyond in terms of supporting this library.

RXM-MEASX is not (currently) one of the 23 "automatic" messages supported by v2.0 of the library.
(Here's the current list:
We could add it, but I'm not sure if it would give you the information you're looking for... I suspect you probably do need RAWX?
And, sadly, we don't have a SparkFun Qwiic NEO-M8T breakout... The NEO-M8T is probably still your cheapest way of getting RAWX data.

I agree RAWX would be ideal, but I should at least be able to get 3-6 meter accuracy (hopefully not 300m) from the code phase (Distance to satellite) . With a few satellites it might add up to something useful.

If you ever get around to supporting MEASX, please let me now. Thanks!

Hi @skywo1f ,
I'm closing this issue as we are about to deprecate this version of the library. Please feel free to open a "Feature Request" issue in v2.0 of the library if you would like us to add RXM-MEASX support. It is really not clear to me how much improvement this would give you, but we can certainly consider adding support for it.
Best wishes,