
Receive GSA and GSV

forstner-m opened this issue · 2 comments


with the function getLatestNMEAGNGGA it is possible to get the GGA sentence. I cannot find a function for GSA and GSV. Is it possible to implement that two sentences.

Thank you!

Best regards,

PaulZC commented

Hello Michael,

Apologies for the slow reply - I have been away on vacation.

The issue here is that the module can output multiple GSA and GSV messages in a single navigation cycle. The library would need to be updated to include storage for multiple messages, and provide methods / functions to: tell you how many messages are stored; and to read them one at a time. The term "latest" does not really apply here - there can be multiple "latest" messages.

The best way forward is for you to write your own GSV / GSA parser by overwriting the weak function processNMEA . Please see Example2 for more details.

Best wishes,

Hello Paul,

in the meantime I have implemented a similar function. So the issue is closed.

Best regards,