How to Update Firmware on a Unicore GNSS Receiver
Tutorial on how to update firmware on a Unicore GNSS Receiver.
- .github/workflows - YAML files used for GitHub Actions and GitHub Pages/mkdocs
- /Firmware - UM980 Firmware packages
- /Software - Related software for the UM980
- /docs - Online documentation files
- /assets - Folder containing all the file assets used for product documentation
- /board_files - Copy of design files used for product documentation
- /component_documentation - Datasheets and manuals for hardware components
- /img - Images for product documentation
- /github - Files stating how to contribute and filing issues used for product documentation
- /javascript - Folder containing custom javascript used for product documentation
- /stylesheet - Folder containing CSS files used for product documentation
- /assets - Folder containing all the file assets used for product documentation
- /overrides - Customization files used for product documentation
- /.icons - Icons used for GitHub used for product documentation
- ./partials - Used for product documentation