Barometric pressure, temperature, humidity and light sensing weather shield for Arduino.
- aleph23Occasionally
- anAgentMinneapolis, Minnesota
- barryhanniganMiser Technologies
- beathanRoswell, GA
- benji87Portsmouth
- benstrSoracom
- bi3merBoston, MA
- cemclellan
- chris97ti
- codeflight1Nexus Aurora
- DwarvenMeadeDwarven Engineering
- eksoverzeroCape Town, South Africa
- EmppuTheEngineer
- gangatn
- gokmonk
- justdaverDurban, South Africa
- kevinmcalearAmazon
- lineuveCapgemini
- m056678
- MaddoScientistoMaddo
- Meteodeep@MeteodeepSoftware
- mkheck@spring-projects
- mwinters-stuffChristchurch, New Zealand
- omerenk
- pixelsnobpixelsnob
- powareverbHamilton, New Zealand
- prasetya
- rajudevEarth
- ropuR/GA
- simonantonioEquilibrium
- SitebaseAmbassify
- steve-kasicaUniversity of British Columbia
- sysbot@nvidia
- tamer1anRiskified
- vitordangelo4intelligence
- z3bbster