
Example Programs for the PSYQ PlayStation development platform.

Primary LanguageC


Toolkit: PSYQ

This setup assumes Linux using WINE, this will also work with Windows XP setup per psxdev.net instructions.

This directory contains example code for the PlayStation. Ordering tables are avoided in examples to keep them simple.

Toolkit is PSYQ, available at psxdev.net.


  • psxCDaudio.md = Play Audio Track (CDDA)
  • psxCDcreate.md = Create a ISO image
  • psxCDread.md = Read Data from a cd
  • psxController.md = Access Controller
  • psxGeometry.md = Depth sorting, Polygons
  • psxGraphics.md = Graphics Info
  • psxMemCard.md = Memory Card Usage
  • psxTextures.md = Texture Loading
  • psxBuildTips.md = Build Tips
  • psxXML.md = YXML/LIBGETPRIM for the playstation
  • psxBitmapManip = convert bitmaps to raw data and convert it from ARGB to ABGR or back again.
  • psxEvent.md = usage of event handler in psyq


PlayStation (WINDOWS XP SP3)

Psy-Q SDK from psxdev.net
Windows Reg File
PSYLIB win version
CPE2X win version

PlayStation (KUBUNTU 14.04 22.04)

Psy-Q SDK from psxdev.net
Windows Reg File
PSYLIB win version
CPE2X win version

Library Install Directions


  1. PlayStation Dev Kit ... psxdev.net

  2. Windows Reg File for PlayStation Dev Kit ... psxdev.net/forum

  3. PSYLIB.EXE windows version ... psxdev.net/forum

  4. CPE2X.EXE windows version ... psxdev.net/forum

  5. mkpsxiso by Lameguy64 ... github.com

  6. STDINT.h by John Convertino ... github.com

Linux using WINE

1. Install WINE
2. Install wine-binfmt
3. Initialize WINE (winecfg works well for this)
4. Copy psyq directory to wine drive_c directory
5. Use the command "wine regedit" to import reg file
6. Copy psylib into psyq/bin (overwrite the old one or rename the old one)
7. Copy CPE2X.EXE into pysq/bin, rename it to CPE2XWIN.EXE
8. Build mkpsxiso using cmake/make (follow the readme in the repo)
9. Copy mkpsxiso into psyq/bin
10. From the PSY_MODS folder in this repository, copy STDINT.h to psyq/include
11. Add psyq paths to your .bashrc, paths are below.
12. make will now build the executables.
13. mkpsxiso will build the ISO image
    * You will have to change the license path, since it is included in pysq under your user name.
    * Edit with any normal text editior

Basic Tool Setup


## Paths
#psy-q psx compile tools
export PATH=/home/$USER/.wine/drive_c/psyq/bin:$PATH
export PATH=/home/$USER/.wine/drive_c/psyq/cdemu/BIN/:$PATH
export PATH=/home/$USER/.wine/drive_c/psyq/bin/TIMTOOL:$PATH


  • Make sure to mark all PSYQ executables as executable (chmod +x *.EXE).