Current configuration of Sublime Text packages and themes.
- Sublime Text 3
- Documentation : Unofficial Sublime documentation
- Package Control: Package manager for Sublime
- HTML Boilerplate: Generates HTML5 boilerplate
- Gutter Color: Displays color previews in the gutter
- ColorHelper: Provides color tooltips
- Bootstrap 4 Snippets
- JavaScript Ultimate: Perfect JavaScript syntax
- Babel:React JSX & ES6 syntax support
- All Autocomplete: Extends Sublime auto-completion feature
- ApplySyntax: Syntax detector
- Icon Fonts: Font Awesome snippets
- DocBlockr_with_update_capability: Aids in creating and updating documentation comments in source code
- KeyboardSpellCheck: Spell-checking
- ElasticTabstops: Tab characters automatically
- AutoFileName: Autocompletes filenames
- MarkdownLivePreview: Live preview of markdown files
- SublimeLinter: Base package for other linters
- SublimeLinter-contrib-clang: Plugin for C/C++
- GitGutter-Edge: Shows git diff in gutter
- Oceanic Next Color Scheme: Works well with Babel package
- Theme - Glacier
- Seti_UI
- Agila Theme
- Theme - Spacegray
- Colorsublime: Site to find color themes
- zzFile Icons: Displays file icons in the sidebar
- Sidebar Enhancements: enhancements to the Sidebar for Files and Folders options
- Table of comments: Organize and quick-jump between headings in comments
"Seti_SB_bright": true,
"Seti_SB_med": true,
"Seti_bold_heading": true,
"Seti_bold_slctdfile_labels": true,
"Seti_bold_slctdtab_labels": true,
"Seti_heading_font_12": true,
"Seti_orange_label": true,
"Seti_pad_3": true,
"Seti_panel_nrml": true,
"Seti_sb_small_padding": true,
"Seti_sb_tree_tiny": true,
"Seti_show_group_arrows": true,
"Seti_sidebar_font_Hack": true,
"Seti_sidebar_font_size_12": true,
"caret_extra_bottom": 3,
"caret_extra_top": 3,
"caret_extra_width": 2,
"font_face": "Consolas",
"font_size": 10,
"color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Glacier/glacier.tmTheme",
"highlight_line": true,
"spell_check": true,
"theme": "Seti_orig.sublime-theme"
"color_scheme": "Packages/Oceanic Next Color Scheme/Oceanic Next.tmTheme",
"font_face": "Consolas",
"font_size": 10,
"highlight_line": true,
"line_padding_bottom": 1,
"theme": "Oceanic Next.sublime-theme"
Written with StackEdit.
Doc inspired by