Pub/Sub ticker

Pub/sub lightshow runs on two separate Raspberry pis. This repo is for the second pi which takes care of one main function: Read serial and display content on the ticker


Clone this repo into your raspberry pi. In the root folder and run the following commands in terminal

$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install python2.7-dev python-pillow -y
$ sudo python install

That should take care of all the required dependencies.


The RGB LED matrix uses a HAT from Adafruit to make things easier to run. The RGB LED matrix uses command line flags to address some of the required parameters. The script takes care of the command line flags for you.

Go into the folder scripts and run the folloeing command after you run on the lightshow pi.

$ sudo python

Once all the hardware is wired up, Make sure there is a conncetion between the Tx pin on the lightshow pi and the ticker pi. Make a connection between GND on both Pis as well.

This should establish the physical serial connection that will show total messages or messages/sec on the ticker.


Incase you run into issues, please refer to the following links.