
Relay data from owntracks application to prometheus

Primary LanguagePerl

Owntracks to Prometheus relay

This is a very simple OwnTracks Recorder replacement, which simply passes the data received to Prometheus. This can be later used to display the location in Grafana.

NOTE: This works perfectly well when your devices are always connected to the network. However, Prometheus will only accept data points at most 1 hour in the past. If your device was not connected for over 1 hour the data gathered will be lost. For this reason, I am abandoning this solution, at least until I figure out how to make Prometheus accept older data.


  1. HTTP server like nginx or Apache httpd
  2. uWSGI application server, with psgi plugin
  3. Prometheus
  4. Grafana


On Arch just use makepkg to compile, then install the resulting package.

sudo pacman -U ...

Tell systemd to listen for incoming request on the unix socket:

sudo systemctl start uwsgi@owntracks-prometheus-relay.socket

Adjust nginx configuration to relay requests to the approptiate socket. E.g. in the server section add:

  location /owntracks/ {
    uwsgi_pass unix:/run/uwsgi/owntracks/prometheus/relay.sock;
    include uwsgi_params;

Reload nginx configuration:

sudo systemctl reload nginx

Confirm that the application has started:

sudo systemctl status uwsgi@owntracks-prometheus-relay.service

If everything is correct, you should enable the socket permanently:

sudo systemctl enable uwsgi@owntracks-prometheus-relay.socket


An example grafana dashboard can be found in the examples directory.

Grafana Dashboard