
一个将人民币从小写(阿拉伯数字)转换为大写(中文数字大写)的工具,可识别并忽略千分位(,)分隔符。 A tool for converting RMB from Arabic numerals to Chinese numerals, recognizing and ignoring the thousandths separator.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

CNY-conversion-Alfred-workflow 人民币从小写(阿拉伯数字)转换为大写(中文数字大写)Workflow

一个将人民币从小写(阿拉伯数字)转换为大写(中文数字大写)的工具,可识别并忽略千分位(,)分隔符。 A tool for converting RMB from Arabic numerals to Chinese numerals, recognizing and ignoring the thousandths separator.


这是一个用Python 3编写的Alfred Workflow,旨在帮助你将人民币从小写(阿拉伯数字)转换为大写(中文数字大写),可识别并忽略千分位(,)分隔符。


相比一般的 Workflow ,亮点在于:

  1. 自动识别“万”、“亿”并转换。 Imgur
  2. 自动识别并忽略千分位符。 Imgur
  3. 如果没有角分,自动添加“整” Imgur Imgur
  4. 如果结果以“壹拾”开头,自动去掉“壹”,符合中文习惯 Imgur
  5. 使用特殊方法消除 float 函数导致的四舍五入不精确的问题。



  • Python 3:如果无法运行,请安装Xcode Command Line Tools。
  • Alfred:用于执行工作流。


  1. 下载此存储库中的Workflow文件到本地计算机。
  2. 双击安装执行。
  3. 打开Alfred,在Workflow设置中找到下载的Workflow。
  4. 设置快捷键或通过Alfred的关键字触发Workflow,初始的关键词是"cny",转换后的大写人民币数字将自动复制到剪切板。





Workflow for converting Chinese Yuan Number from Arabic numerals to Chinese numerals

This is an Alfred Workflow written in Python 3 that aims to help you convert Chinese yuan from Arabic numerals to Chinese numerals, while recognizing and ignoring the thousands separator (,).



First, make sure you have the following requirements installed:

  • Python 3: Used to run the currency conversion script - newer versions of macOS come with Python 3 pre-installed; if it doesn't work, please install Xcode Command Line Tools.
  • Alfred: Used to execute the workflow.

Next, follow these steps for installation:

  1. Download the Workflow file from this repository to your local computer.
  2. Double-click to install and execute.
  3. Open Alfred and find the downloaded Workflow in the Workflow settings.
  4. Set a hotkey or trigger the workflow using a keyword in Alfred. The initial keyword is "cny", and the converted uppercase Chinese yuan will be automatically copied to the clipboard.


If you have any suggestions or improvements for this project, feel free to contribute code or raise issues. Please submit issues and requests to this repository.


This project is licensed under GPL-3.0.