
Python API to convert an input RDF file using SHACL rules, then serialize the result using JSON-LD framing

Primary LanguagePython

JSON LD Transformer

This Python library applies SHACL rules to an input RDFLib Graph, then serializes the output Graph in a clean JSON structure by applying a JSON-LD framing specification.



  1. Clone the code

  2. Install dependencies with poetry

  poetry install
  1. To make a small test, run the following:
poetry run python3 jsonldtransformer/Cli.py --rules rules/datacube-2-statdcatap.ttl  --frame rules/framing-context.jsonld --data tests/small-test-data/input.ttl --output output.json

Python integration

See in Cli.py for an example of how to call the transformer. This boils down to the following:

# 1. Read SHACL rules Graph
graph_rules = Graph().parse(...)

# 2. Read JSON-LD framing spec
frame = json.loads(...)

# 3. Create new transformer
transformer = JsonLdTransformer(graph_rules,frame)

# 4. Read input RDF data Graph
data_graph = Graph().parse(...)

# 5. Apply data conversion rules and JSON-LD transformation on the input data Graph
result = transformer.transform(data_graph)

How-to configure the transformer

This lib requires 2 input files : a SHACL rules file, and a JSON-LD framing specification

How to write the SHACL rules

See this example file for an example of how to write rules. The important aspects when writing the rules are:

  • Declare instances of sh:NodeShape with a sh:target targetting the instances of the classes you want to transform.
  rdf:type sh:NodeShape ;
  sh:targetClass <http://purl.org/linked-data/cube#DataStructureDefinition> ;
  • Attach transformation rules to this NodeShape with sh:rule.
  rdf:type sh:NodeShape ;
  sh:targetClass <http://purl.org/linked-data/cube#DataStructureDefinition> ;
  sh:rule this:CreateDataset;
  sh:rule this:reify_dctLanguage;
  # other rules ...
  • Each rule is an instance of sh:SPARQLRule. Express the transformation rule as a SPARQL CONSTRUCT query in the sh:construct property. Each rule can refer to the prefixes defined at the top of the file using sh:prefixes.
  rdf:type sh:SPARQLRule ;
  rdfs:comment "Creates DCAT Dataset" ;
  rdfs:label "Creates DCAT Dataset" ;
  sh:construct """
        $this a dcat:Dataset .
      WHERE {
        $this a qb:DataStructureDefinition .
      """ ;
  sh:order 1 ;
  sh:prefixes <http://data.sparna.fr/ontologies/datacube-2-statdcatap> ;

How to write the JSON-LD framing specification

See this example file for an example of JSON-LD framing spec. A JSON-LD framing file is composed of 2 sections : the JSON-LD @context, and the frame specification.

The @context

The @context section :

  • declares prefixes, for example:
      "dcat": "http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#",
      "qb": "http://purl.org/linked-data/cube#",
      "dct":  "http://purl.org/dc/terms/",
  • maps RDF URIs to JSON terms
      "Dataset": "dcat:Dataset",
      "DimensionProperty": "qb:DimensionProperty",
      "LanguageProperty": "ngsi-ld:LanguageProperty",
  • specifies how certain keys should behave
      "languageMap": {
        "@id": "ngsi-ld:languageMap",

This indicates that the property ngsi-ld:languageMap will be mapped to the JSON key languageMap, using a JSON-LD language index.

The frame specification

The frame shapes how the output JSON structure should look. In the example it simply looks like this:

"@type": [ "Dataset", "DimensionProperty" ]

This simply indicates that the top-level elements should be Dataset and DimensionProperty. The JSON-LD framing processor will then apply the default behavior to these objects, which will nest their properties inside these objects.

Development Note

To run ruff, call:

poetry run ruff check .