- 0
- 0
Lack of Home permission
#351 opened by Wuou - 1
what's this then?
#350 opened by chaert-s - 1
How does this work in SwiftUI?
#349 opened by chaert-s - 1
React to permission changes
#346 opened by feelingsonice - 1
ITMS-90683: Missing purpose string in Info.plist
#347 opened by EchoLunar - 4
Permission.location(access: .always).request {}
#342 opened by luckycherry - 1
Permission.location(access: .always).request {} bad
#343 opened by luckycherry - 2
New iOS 17 requestFullAccessToEvents returns always notDetermined on first run in Reminder
#340 opened by Monkey-X-Byte - 2
- 1
Privacy Manifest support
#339 opened by aiKrice - 2
Still having issues with Location Always
#338 opened by Visual-Studio-Coder - 1
LocationWhenInUsePermission is incompatible
#335 opened by yangdengxueshi - 2
- 0
- 1
Missing package product 'LocationWhenInUsePermission'
#332 opened by sh4wn - 6
client implementation missing?
#330 opened by DiegoResnik - 2
Will Apple accept app?
#329 opened by scotland1912 - 15
New iOS 17 requestFullAccessToEvents returns always notDetermined on first run
#326 opened by ostatnicky - 1
SPPermissionsDataSource not found
#327 opened by rohan-59 - 3
- 6
- 3
- 1
- 3
- 1
How to modify the default description
#312 opened by fanbaoyuanbees360 - 1
SPPermissions library has Adware inside!
#309 opened by kovallux - 1
No demo provided?
#306 opened by GPX-NSlog - 4
Bluetooth status (powered)
#305 opened by CavalcanteLeo - 1
does it make sense to add TouchID support?
#303 opened by moyoteg - 2
9.0.0 code missing
#299 opened by DigitalVanilla - 1
PermissionsKit not available on Cocoapods
#295 opened by hanumanAbacus - 1
Can you pod trunk your podspec, cause I want to create a Pod and set PermissionsKit as dependency
#293 opened by zangqilong198812 - 4
Screen Record Permission
#284 opened by swatisrivs - 3
- 9
SPTableViewController not fount in your demo
#288 opened by Howard-Flipped - 5
HomeKit Permission
#286 opened by ggoraa - 19
Local Network Permission
#282 opened by z234009184 - 3
Missing Features (NearBy + Network)
#280 opened by Droppix - 2
Image Icon doesn't work when it's on testFlight, but work when I launch it from XCode, SPPermissions/Core (7.1.5)
#285 opened by rajaonah-toky - 9
Icons do not show in AR template project
#275 opened by noah-z - 1
Local Network permission
#283 opened by yuchenz27 - 1
- 0
Info.plist Request
#277 opened by horaciosolorio - 1
- 3
Optionally bundle images
#271 opened by marko-cancar - 1
Setting bounceAnimationEnabled = false on iOS 12 causes items in dialog mode not showing
#262 opened by Weberlolz - 2
Bug with dynamic typing
#267 opened by DavidDHansson - 0
Face ID always returning .notDetermined
#266 opened by ezefranca - 3
Permissions Icons do not show on iPhone X, Xr.
#263 opened by jminutaglio