Tweet Search Api

An API to extract data from twitter API and applying filters on provided data and to download the data in CSV format.

Getting Started


Install these packages

You can install the individually by using $ pip install PACKAGE-NAME or

You can install them at once by running the command

 $ pip install -r requirements.txt


First clone the reprositery and nevigete inside the directory using cd <Directory-name>make a virtuall environment by using the command

 $ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv

Then start the virtual environment by

 $ source venv/bin/activate

Install the dependencies given in prerequisites

Change directory to where is located

 $ cd twitterapi

Run the following commands to setup the database

 $ python makemigrations
 $ pyhton migrate

Enter your twitter API in twitterapi/

YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY="Your Consumer Key"
YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET="Your Consumer Secreat"
YOUR_ACCESS_KEY="Your Access Token"
YOUR_ACCESS_SECRET="Your Access Secreat Token"

Run the deveploment server by

python runserver

This will start the development server at



API 1 to trigger a twitter search/stream for recent high traffic events.

Endpoint for streaming data
API 2 to return stored tweets and their metadata based on applied filters/search.

Endpint for getting data
API 3 (For Bonus Points) ​to export filtered data as CSV

Endpoint for getting data as a CSV file


The API is paginaed with page size equal to 20 to move to next page you can apply page filter



Your can filter the data your a receiving from this API by applying filters Eg- /api/list?text__startswith=The%20person

Fields Filters Discription Example
text, user_name, user_screen_name startswith Filters the field on the basis if it start with the given value
endswith Filters the field on the basis if it ends with the given value
contains Filters the field on the basis if it contains the given value
exact Filters the field on the basis if it is exactly the given value
favorite_count, user_followers_count, retweet_count lt Filters the field on the basis if it is less then the given number
gt Filters the field on the basis if it is greater then the given number
exact Filters the field on the basis if it is exatly the given number
tweet_time before Filters the field on the basis if it is before the given value
after Filters the field on the basis if it is after the given value
  • Multiple filters can be applied by chaining /api/list?page=2&text__startswith=python&user_name=Rohan
  • Filter by a range of date can be done by api/list?tweet_time_before=2018-10-07%2014:00&/api/list?tweet_time_after=2018-10-05%2014:00
  • Filtering can be applied for genrating csv file by changing the url like /api/list/csv?retweet_count__lt=10

Field Refrences

Field Description
text Main tweet text
tweet_time Time at which the tweet was posted
user_name Name of the person who posted the tweet
favorite_count Number of favorites/like on the tweet
retweet_count Number of retweets
lang Language in which tweet is posted
user_followers_count Number of followers of the user
user_screen_name Screen Name(username) of the user


Searching is done on the basis of user_name and text For searching just apply the filter /api/list?search=abcd. This will search for abcd in both user_name and text and display the result


Sorting can be done on the basis of tweet_time and text For sorting just apply the filter /api/list?ordering=tweet_time. This will sort data according to tweet_time Use ordering=tweet_time for ascending and ordering=-tweet_time for descending, same for text.

  • Searching and Sorting can be chained with filtering for combined result.


Here is a example of response for

    "count": 42,
    "next": "",
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "text": "RT @SirPunyaPrasun: मोदी सरकार ने साढ़े चार सालों में विज्ञापन पर ख़र्च किए 5,000 करोड़ रुपये #ModiGovernment #Adve…",
            "tweet_time": "2018-10-09T17:40:05.310000Z",
            "user_name": "The Viper",
            "favorite_count": 0,
            "retweet_count": 0,
            "lang": "hi",
            "user_followers_count": 33,
            "user_screen_name": "theviper753"
            "text": "@jnukaraja @gauravcsawant @ShivAroor @sanjayuvacha Every member of that so called freedom fighters wants to prove h…",
            "tweet_time": "2018-10-09T17:40:05.390000Z",
            "user_name": "MAHENDRA RATHORE",
            "favorite_count": 0,
            "retweet_count": 0,
            "lang": "en",
            "user_followers_count": 14,
            "user_screen_name": "singhbattleford"
  • Here count is the total number of results
  • next is the nest page in pagination
  • previous is the previous page in pagination