
In this project we have implemented a file sharing protocol similar to Dropbox with support for download from server and indexed searching.

- The system has one server and one client. Server is listening for client and
after connection between them (Used TCP as default protocol) client can
request for information about files and download them.
- File transfer should incorporate MD5 checksum to handle file transfer errors

Commands and Results

First Run ‘ python ‘ in one terminal to start server. Then run ‘ python ‘ in separate terminal to make and connect client to server. Then run following commands in client side to get data from server:

- IndexGet shortlist <starttimestamp> <endtimestamp>
Output: Return ‘name’ , ‘size’ , ‘timestamp’ and ‘type’ of the files between
the start and end time stamps to client.
- BONUS​ - ​ IndexGet shortlist <starttimestamp> <endtimestamp> *.txt or *.pdf
Output: Return only *.txt , *.pdf files between specified time stamps to client.
- IndexGet longlist
Output: Return ‘name’, ‘size’ , ‘timestamp’ and ‘type’ of all files (not
directories) present in current working directory of server to client.
- BONUS​ - ​ IndexGet longlist specific
output: Return longlist for only *.txt file containing word “Programmer” in it.
- FileHash verify <FileName>
Output:​ Return checksum and last modified timestamp of the input file to
- FileHash checkall
Output: Return filename , checksum and last modified timestamp of all the
files in the current working directory of server.
- FileDownload Path1 Path2 TCP/UDP
Path1 - path of file to be downloaded
Path2 - path of file where above file should be downloaded
Output: Download file specified in Path1 and also returns filename , filesize
,last modified timestamp and the MD5hash of the requested file.
- Exit ​ - to stop client and server.