
Simple Peer-Peer Chat Application Name-Sparsh Kumar Sinha Roll No-11010166

Running- A makefile has been provided with the code

Commands to compile-


It compiles as follows- g++ -pthread -w -o server server.cpp g++ -pthread -w -o client client.cpp

The code can run both locally and globally.

Server- The server starts at port 4201 on the host PC. It can be accessed by the PC's IP address or if the server is on local host. The server creates a maximum of 20 threads to deal with the clients on a separate ports.So the clients can interact simultaneously without any hiccup with the server. To run the server you can type-


Client- The client asks about the server's IP address. This is if the client is local or the IP address of the computer in which client is running. Next the user has to enter an idle port(on which no socket is running).If the socket is invalid or another program is using the socket it shows “bind error”.If the IP:PORT has already been registered by the server then it terminates then and there. To run client type-


Messaging Format- The clients can enter maximum of 256 character except '#'.The message terminates on newline .If the users have to disconnect then they have to type exit() only.If the other client disconnects the the present client will have to type astray message to get out of chat mode.

The code can run globally and locally(provided the ports are unique)

NOTE: The client requesting connection will be blocked until his/her connection gets accepted or rejected

SERVER -CLIENT INTERACTION Part 1-Sending clients a list of available peers. SERVER- arsenal@arsenal-Dell-System-XPS-L502X:~/11010166$ ./server

Socket created Connection accepted Connection accepted Sending

to Sending

to has disconnected Sending None

to has disconnected

CLIENT 1 arsenal@arsenal-Dell-System-XPS-L502X:~/11010166$ ./client Enter Server IP Connecting to server Enter Your listening port Warning:Use an unused port(>1024) 9044 Creating Listen Socket for peer interaction Enter 1 for peer-list,2 to connect to a peer,3 to disconnect 1 The list of available peers are Enter 1 for peer-list,2 to connect to a peer,3 to disconnect 3

CLIENT 2 arsenal@arsenal-Dell-System-XPS-L502X:~/11010166$ ./client Enter Server IP Connecting to server Enter Your listening port Warning:Use an unused port(>1024) 2222 Creating Listen Socket for peer interaction Enter 1 for peer-list,2 to connect to a peer,3 to disconnect 1 The list of available peers are Enter 1 for peer-list,2 to connect to a peer,3 to disconnect 1 The list of available peers are None Enter 1 for peer-list,2 to connect to a peer,3 to disconnect 3

Part 2-Client Client Chatting SERVER- arsenal@arsenal-Dell-System-XPS-L502X:~/11010166$ ./server

Socket created Connection accepted Connection accepted Sending

to Sending

to is now chatting is now chatting is now available is now available has disconnected has disconnected

CLIENT 1- arsenal@arsenal-Dell-System-XPS-L502X:~/11010166$ ./client Enter Server IP Connecting to server Enter Your listening port Warning:Use an unused port(>1024) 4444 Creating Listen Socket for peer interaction Enter 1 for peer-list,2 to connect to a peer,3 to disconnect 1 The list of available peers are

Enter 1 for peer-list,2 to connect to a peer,3 to disconnect 2 Checking Listen port for incoming connections If you still want to connect to a peer enter 1 Else enter any other number 1 Enter the peer ip: Enter the peer port: 4445 Connecting to Enter message no 1:Newline for terminating message,'exit()' to disconnect Enter message no 2:Newline for terminating message,'exit()' to disconnect i am fine Enter message no 3:Newline for terminating message,'exit()' to disconnect thank you very much Enter message no 4:Newline for terminating message,'exit()' to disconnect exit() Sending Thread Closed Receiving Thread Closed Enter 1 for peer-list,2 to connect to a peer,3 to disconnect 3

All the client messages are redirected to a file whose name is same as the port entered by the client .This is done because the simultaneously received messages cannot be redirected to stdout which creates an unexpected behaviour .If we create some kind of lock then the duplexity of the chat is not maintained .Also each message has a a time stamp thus showing that it is simultaneous(Since the send and receive are run on different threads and are non-blocking)

So the CLIENT1 received file 4445 is as follows-

	Wed Feb 19 18:23:43 2014 

1 was received and displayed successfully Wed Feb 19 18:23:44 2014

hi zuzu Wed Feb 19 18:23:57 2014

how are you Wed Feb 19 18:24:02 2014

2 was received and displayed successfully Wed Feb 19 18:24:10 2014

3 was received and displayed successfully Wed Feb 19 18:24:16 2014

CLIENT 2- arsenal@arsenal-Dell-System-XPS-L502X:~/11010166$ ./client Enter Server IP Connecting to server Enter Your listening port Warning:Use an unused port(>1024) 4445 Creating Listen Socket for peer interaction Enter 1 for peer-list,2 to connect to a peer,3 to disconnect 1 The list of available peers are

Enter 1 for peer-list,2 to connect to a peer,3 to disconnect 2 Checking Listen port for incoming connections selectserver: new connection from on socket 5 Enter 1 to accept 1 Enter message no 1:Newline for terminating message,'exit()' to disconnect Enter message no 2:Newline for terminating message,'exit()' to disconnect hi zuzu Enter message no 3:Newline for terminating message,'exit()' to disconnect how are you Enter message no 4:Newline for terminating message,'exit()' to disconnect Receiving Thread Closed sdsadsa Sending Thread Closed If you still want to connect to a peer enter 1 Else enter any other number 2 Enter 1 for peer-list,2 to connect to a peer,3 to disconnect 3

CLIENT 2 4445 file-

	Wed Feb 19 18:23:44 2014 

1 was received and displayed successfully Wed Feb 19 18:23:44 2014

2 was received and displayed successfully Wed Feb 19 18:23:58 2014

3 was received and displayed successfully Wed Feb 19 18:24:03 2014

i am fine Wed Feb 19 18:24:09 2014

thank you very much Wed Feb 19 18:24:15 2014

Some Errors and Bugs- ERRORS 1) arsenal@arsenal-Dell-System-XPS-L502X:~/11010166$ ./client Enter Server IP Connecting to server Enter Your listening port Warning:Use an unused port(>1024) 2222 Your IP:PORT already in use Terminating connection

If the port is already bounded by another socket.

Enter 1 for peer-list,2 to connect to a peer,3 to disconnect 1 The list of available peers are

Enter 1 for peer-list,2 to connect to a peer,3 to disconnect 2 Checking Listen port for incoming connections If you still want to connect to a peer enter 1 Else enter any other number 1 Enter the peer ip: Enter the peer port: 2222 Connecting to connect: Connection refused connection error

If the client tries to connect to another client which has just left the server.Refresh the list to see that it is unavailable. Enter 1 for peer-list,2 to connect to a peer,3 to disconnect 1 The list of available peers are None

BUGS- 1) If the clients disconnect without typing the exit() message then the output is unexpected.

If the list is not refreshed and the client tries to connect to another client who is busy then the socket gets blocked until the busy client is done with his conversation.

Sometimes some garbage value might get printed in the received file.

There is no checking if the desired number of bytes have reached the client.