sparxastronomy's Following
- am610NCSA
- amalyaliLondon, UK
- apontzen
- asdf-format
- astropy
- bcaddyPrinceton University
- bsipoczCaltech/IPAC
- c-d-leonard
- cbyrohlInstitute for Theoretical Astrophysics
- cwwalterDuke University
- damongeOxford Astrophysics
- dianadianadiana
- dnelson86Heidelberg
- ecrohrMax Planck Institute for Astronomy
- EGaraldiInstitute for Fundamental Physics of the Universe
- evaneschneiderUniversity of Pittsburgh
- gschwend@linea-it @LSSTDESC
- illustristng
- JBorrowUniversity of Pennsylvania
- joezuntz
- JohannesBuchner
- JosephBARBIERDARNALBordeaux School of Economics
- kadrlicaFermilab
- knadhZerodha
- lgarrisonScientific Computing Core, Flatiron Institute
- manodeepSorsery Consulting
- MatthieuSchallerLeiden Observatory & Leiden Institute of Physics
- mayabenowitzarea S4, I think
- neutrinocerosInstitut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble (IPAG)
- nikosarcevicNewcastle University
- oliverphilcoxColumbia University
- rdzudzar
- sophialilleengenDurham University
- temullerTrinity College Dublin
- warpdotdev