PCB to implement Fenix autopilot
Known errors and limitations There is an identified error in the current Fenix PCB design. The pins for PWM/DIR are not correctly allocated. PIN 6&7 are the right PINS. PIN 11&12 should be discarded. In consequence, provisions for these signals in Fenix PCB are not valid.
Mitigations proposed: 1 - Usage of a motor controller Arduino shield instead where PWM/DIR pins are directly connected to Arduino through the shield and can be configured correctly to PIN6&7. For this purpose I recommend the shield version of MD10C, https://www.robotshop.com/es/es/moto...no-shield.html
2 - If you already have the MD10C R2 or any other "wired version", and still wants to use Fenix PCB you can still do so, just connect the PWM/DIR pins from motor controller to the arduino 6&7PINS through cables.
WARNING! This patch has not been tested. Use at your own risk.
- PWM/DIR pins where wrongly allocated to D11, D12. Reallocated to D6, D7.
- Removed serial I/F expansion: No specific use.
- J1, J2 screwed plugs shifted. In case of shield pins too short there was a risk of short-circuit with USB plug.
- Screwed plug pin tags shifted. After screwed plug installation it was not possible to read the text.
Known errors and limitations
- Label PWD and DIR are wrongly assigned to connector PINS. This issue impacts motor controllers connected to Fenix shield through cables. Not applicable to motor controller Arduino shields.
Mitigations proposed: 1 - Swap connector from motor controller PWD to connector DIR in Fenix shield. Swap connector from motor controller DIR to connector PWD in Fenix shield
- PWM/DIR label corrected.
- Version label added.